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guys please this is my work it's cross-posted on ao3! it says that in the description and i posted a message on my profile!

first mention of connor being trans!! :3 also a bit angsty in this one (jared is such a mother hen guys)

In all honesty, Connor had come to enjoy his chats with Evan and Jared. Evan was so anxious, and quite like him in many ways, and Jared could get on his nerves to no end, but he had come to think of them as... as his friends, he supposed.

He hoped Evan was heeding his advice about therapy.

"Connor, come on, time for school." Zoe banged on his bedroom door. Connor rolled his eyes, lacing up his boots. "Connor, come on!"

She opened his door and Connor froze, grabbing his hoodie off his bed instinctively. Zoe's eyes widened.

"Connor..." she whispered. "You're so skinny."

"I hadn't noticed," Connor snapped, angrily pulling on his hoodie. "Get out of my way. I'm walking. Take my car."

Connor threw Zoe his keys, storming past the kitchen, where his parents sat at the table.

"Connor, honey, I made breakfast--"

"No, thanks, Mom!" Connor called, opening the front door.

"Connor, wait!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Bye!" Connor slammed the door behind him.


Connor avoided Evan and Jared at school all day. He was not in the mood to talk to anybody; he just hid in the library and ditched all his classes and lunch.

After school, Jared messaged the group chat again. Connor pulled it up on his phone.

Jared Kleinman has logged on

Insecure Freak: hey homos

Insecure Freak: come on

Insecure Freak: talk to me

Insecure Freak: why cant we be friends?

Connor Murphy has logged on

Weed Boy: what do you want kleinman

Insecure Freak: validation

Weed Boy: doesnt everybody

Insecure Freak: i was invited to one of my parents dumb-ass rich people parties aGAIN

Weed Boy: god i hate those

Insecure Freak: the only thing that makes this better is the fact that shakira is playing on the radio

Weed Boy: lmao you like shakira?

Insecure Freak: uhm who doesnt

Insecure Freak: shes a hispanic goddess

Weed Boy: true i guess

Insecure Freak: yOu aGrEe?!!!?

Weed Boy: yeah turns out youre not always wrong

Insecure Freak: im touched

Weed Boy: whatever

Insecure Freak: thats my catchphrase

Insecure Freak: first you steal my heart and then my catchphrase whats next

Weed Boy: whoawhoawhoa

Weed Boy: your HEART?

Weed Boy: kleinman are you DRUNK

Insecure Freak: and the plot thickens oh ho ho

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now