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Evan's POV
Evan smoothed out the front of his shirt, grabbing his bag and slipping on his shoes. His cell phone dinged as he went to pick it up.

Weed Boy: hey guys guess what

Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: What?

Jared Kleinman has logged on

Weed Boy: im coming to school today


Acorn: Really? That's great!

Evan grinned, playing with the hem of his shirt.


Acorn: I'm proud of you Connor! But you missed a lot.

Weed Boy: im sure you two can get me caught up in no time

Weed Boy: youre both nerds right

OK Freak: fuck you murphy

OK Freak: i love you

OK Freak: but no i am a GEEK

OK Freak: there is a difference

Acorn: I mean I wouldn't call myself a nerd I guess I don't really know what I am my interests are really diverse and I don't take interest in a lot...

Weed Boy: ev calm down its ok i was kidding

OK Freak: you sound like me "i was kidding"

Weed Boy: shut up kleinman


Evan shook his head, smiling fondly. He opened the box on his nightstand that held his meds, swallowing two pills.

Acorn: I love you guys.

Weed Boy: i love you too ev

OK Freak: gayyyyy

OK Freak: but yeah i love you too

Acorn: I'm leaving for school now, guys, I'll see you when I'm there.

Weed Boy: see you babe

OK Freak: bye acorn

Evan shut off his phone, and he knew he was grinning like an idiot as he made his way downstairs.

"Evan, sweetie, are you okay with taking the bus this morning?" his mom asked. "I just got called into work on an emergency."

Evan's good mood wavered, but he nodded. "O-Oh, yeah, I-I'll be f-fine."

Ms. Hansen smiled, kissing Evan's forehead. "Have a nice day at school, sweetie. And don't forget to write a letter!"

Evan nodded as she walked out the front door.


When lunch rolled around, Connor greeted Evan with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, babe," he said with a small smile, sitting down at a lunch table. Evan sat down next to him.

"H-Hey, Conn." Evan blushed lightly, opening his lunchbox. Jared suddenly ran up behind them and latched onto Connor.

"WHAT'S UP ACTUAL, LITERAL, HOMOS?" He shook his head, smiling. "So glad I can actually say that now."

He stood behind Evan, resting his chin on top of the latter's head.

"Oh, also," Jared said, intertwining his fingers with Evan's, "I have something to tell you guys."

"Yeah?" Connor replied, voice seemingly disinterested. Evan looked up at Jared.

"Hey, if I'm going to tell you guys I'm gay, you could at least act like you care." Jared pouted. Connor stared at him.

"We already fucking knew that, Jared."

"W-Well, if we're g-gonna talk about that, I-I'm bisexual," Evan volunteered. Connor kissed Evan's hair.

"Wow, he gets a kiss and I get an eye

roll?" Jared raised an eyebrow. Connor laughed.

"I never rolled my eyes at you." He grabbed Jared's hand. "Sit."

Jared flushed red and sat down on the other side of Evan.

"My parents agreed to let me stay at the house." Connor picked idly at the edges of a sandwich. "But my mom is the only one who will even look at me."

He chuckled drily. Evan frowned, taking a hold of Connor's hand and playing with his fingers.

"A-At least you've g-got s-somewhere to live?" Evan said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I would have rather they kicked me out," Connor admitted. "Then I wouldn't have to feel like a monster in my own house."

"Y-You're not a m-monster, Connor," Evan said. "If a-anyone's a m-monster here, it's m-me."

Jared and Connor immediately turned their attention to the sandy-haired boy, who was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

Oh my god, Evan, are you really going to tell them this? Is this really how you want to do this? What if they hate you? What if they tell everyone what happened?

They would never , Evan argued with himself.

"Ev, babe, what are you talking about?" Connor asked, concern shining in his eyes. Evan took a deep breath.

"You know h-how I told you I g-got that job as a junior p-park ranger at Ellison Park? Well, I-I did, that's not a l-lie, but then I told y-you I tried to c-climb this 40-foot-tall o-oak tree, and I slipped, or I don't k-know, a b-branch gave out u-underneath me, a-and then I f-fell? And that's how I b-broke my a-arm?"

Jared shared an uneasy glance with Connor. "Yeah, I remember you telling us that."

"W-well, the f-funny thing is, w-well it's n-not funny, not f-funny at all, b-but the t-truth is I..." Evan gulped. "I didn't f-fall. I l-let go."

Evan could feel his palms start to sweat, but before he could get any other words out, he was being engulfed in a hug. Evan's eyes widened, before he realised Connor was hugging him, and then Jared was hugging him too.

"Thank you," Connor whispered. Evan blinked rapidly to try and stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"F-F-For what?"

"For trusting us enough to tell us that." Connor pulled back, smiling sadly. He pressed a kiss to Evan's forehead. Evan managed a smile back.

"We're here for you, Evan." Jared squeezed the younger's hand. "We'll always be here for you."

"What do we have here?" A taunting voice suddenly burst the trio's bubble. "Looks like Fag Kleinman finally decided to admit who he really is."

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now