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Acorn: Are you okay?

Acorn: Are we okay?

Weed Boy: i. hate. my. family.

Acorn: Are you okay? Where are you?

Weed Boy: im fine, im fine, im in my hospital room

Weed Boy: is.. is jared ok?

Acorn: Okay, that's all that matters, is that you're okay.

Acorn: Yes, Jared is okay, well not okay, none of us are really okay, but we're not hurt or anything.

Acorn: Jared broke his glasses.

Weed Boy: oh god you guys

Weed Boy: i never meant for you to get involved with this

Acorn: They won't let us back into the hospital.

Acorn: We need to see you, I need to see you...

Acorn: No, Connor, it isn't your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault.

Weed Boy: yes it is! if i had just been a normal fucking kid like my dad wanted none of this would have ever happened! if i had just died the first time i tried in seventh grade this would have never happened! IF I HAD NEVER BEEN BORN THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED

Acorn: Connor, you need to know that this isn't your fault. It's not your fault you're like this, Connor, I know how it feels to not want to have been born, trust me.

Acorn: But it is NOT your fault, okay?

Acorn: I don't want you to die.

Acorn: We love you, Connor, I love you, you need to know you are fine, and okay, and it's not your fault.

Weed Boy: i..

Connor didn't know how to respond.

Weed Boy: is jared with you?

Acorn: Yes but he can't see anything.

Weed Boy: i..

Weed Boy: i love you guys too

Weed Boy: make sure jared knows that ev

Acorn: I will, I promise.

Acorn: Hey Connor,

Acorn: I can see your window.

Weed Boy: i think i see you guys

Acorn: I'm waving

Weed Boy: heh, yeah

Weed Boy: i see you

Acorn: I see you too.

Acorn: It'll be okay.

Weed Boy: god i hope so ev

Acorn: It will. I promise.

Weed Boy: thank you

Weed Boy: thank you so much

Acorn: You're welcome. Thank you for staying with us, Connor.

Weed Boy: i think im glad i did

Acorn: That's good, that's great.

OK Freak: i found my glasses

OK Freak: theyre all cracked oh god

Acorn: can you see enough?

OK Freak: heh i guess waving through a window doesnt really help, connor... im tryin tho

Weed Boy: let me pay for you to get new ones jared

Weed Boy: please

Weed Boy: its the least i can do

OK Freak: no

Weed Boy: yes

OK Freak: its fine

Weed Boy: jar..

OK Freak: why

OK Freak: i have the money its fine its my fault anyway

OK Freak: i was stupid

Weed Boy: please no its not your fault jar i just..

OK Freak: acorn where are you

OK Freak: i can barely see my keyboard and there are too many cars to see are you in my car

OK Freak: yeah connor?

Acorn: I went and talked to the front desk to see if they would let you in too, and they said no, I'm so sorry, Jared, I tried...

Weed Boy: i just need to feel like im doing something useful right now guys

"Miss Porter?" Connor asked his nurse tentatively, still slightly drowsy from the sedative they had used to calm him down. She looked at him. "Can you go let Evan and Jared in?"

Miss Porter smiled lightly at him. "Of course, Connor."

She left the room.

Weed Boy: ev its ok

Weed Boy: i talked to my nurse she'll let you in

Acorn: Connor, you need to rest so they'll release you, that's all you need to do.

Acorn: Oh...

Acorn: Jared too?

Weed Boy: yeah both of you

Acorn: Okay, we'll come up there.

A few minutes later, Jared and Evan were sprinting into Connor's room. Evan rushed to engulf Connor in a hug. None of them said anything, not a word, just hugged and enjoyed each other's presence.

Jared laid at the end of Connor's bed, playing with the edge of the blanket. Connor wrapped his arms around Evan's shoulders, taking a deep breath.

"I'm so glad I have you two," he mumbled. Evan nodded, and Jared looked up. "Jared, why are you staring at me like that?"

"Nothing, it's just..." Jared swallowed. "You're beautiful."

Connor blinked. "What?"

Then Jared was surging forward, and his lips were Connor's. Connor froze, and Evan tensed, but before either of them could do anything, Jared pulled back.

"Shit--shit, sorry, I'm sorry--shit--I shouldn't have--god." Jared yanked at his hair. Connor grabbed Jared's wrists.

"Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself," he said calmly, even though on the inside he was a jittery mess.

"J-Jared, you... you l-like C-Connor?" Evan asked.

"I do--I do, I love him, I love him so much, but I love you too, Evan, I love both of you so goddamn much, and I don't know what to do with myself," Jared rambled. It was quiet for a while.

"I love you guys too." Evan broke the silence, and Connor marvelled at how confidently the sandy-haired boy said it.

"So do I." Connor smiled softly, kissing Jared's hair and stroking Evan's cheek.

"You... you do?" Jared asked cautiously. Evan and Connor nodded.

"Yeah," Evan voiced. He grabbed Jared's hand, and Jared took Connor's, and Connor took Evan's other.

Yeah. This was definitely right.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now