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bringing it back with some soft bois


Evan's POV
Evan's ears were ringing as he watched Connor get tossed aside like rag doll.

"STOP, JUST STOP!" Jared shouted, and Simon rounded on him.

"You'll never get rid of me, Kleinman!" The bully grinned.

"That's enough !" someone yelled. Evan blinked, seeing Principal Myers standing in front of them. He could see Connor sitting up, clutching at his sides. Simon had let go of Jared and was being hauled off by Coach Shields. "All of you, my office. Now. "


"Evan!" Ms. Hansen exclaimed, rushing to hug her son. "Oh, baby, are you all right?"

Evan nodded, hugging her back tightly. I screwed up again, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, Mom, I screwed everything up .

"That's good, sweetie. I'm so glad you stood up for Jared, honey. You did a good job, okay? You didn't do anything wrong."

Evan blinked rapidly to stop his tears.

"Thank you, Principal Myers," he heard Mrs. Kleinman saying. Evan glanced up in time to see Jared's parents shaking the principal's hand. The Murphys were still nowhere to be found, and Connor sat silently in front of Evan, glaring at the ground. He was sporting a nasty black-eye, and Evan saw that his knuckles were bruised. Jared was sitting beside the long-haired boy, nervously biting his nails, a habit Evan realized he never knew Jared had.

"Don't do that," Connor mumbled, taking Jared's right hand in his left.

"Are you boys all right?" Ms. Hansen asked them once she had pulled away from Evan.

"I think so, Ms. Hansen." Connor nodded. Jared shrugged.

"I-I'm sorry, you guys," he managed, voice wavering. Connor kissed his hair, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy.

"You don't have to be sorry."

"I-It's not y-your f-fault, Jared," Evan agreed. Ms. Hansen smiled, squeezing Evan's hand.

"Jared," Mr. Kleinman said, his voice tight, "let's go."

Jared jumped, obviously startled. Connor looked up, his green eyes dark.

"Can... Can I...?" Jared shook his head. Mrs. Kleinman smiled sadly, kissing her son's forehead.

"I trust Heidi will take good care of you, as always."

Ms. Hansen nodded in confirmation. "Thank you, Deborah. I will, don't you worry."

"We'll talk later." Mr. Kleinman nodded.

"I love you, sweetheart." Mrs. Kleinman waved goodbye.

"Love you too," Jared choked out. As his parents left, Ms. Hansen turned to the three bruised teens around her.

"How about I get you boys some pizza and a rental movie, huh? You can just relax at our house." She rubbed Evan's arm.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Evan thought over and over.

"That would be great, Ms. Hansen." Connor nodded, carding his fingers through Jared's hair.

"Call me Heidi, dear." Ms. Hansen smiled, standing up.


"Acorn, since when have you seen Heathers?" Jared asked, cocking an eyebrow. The three of them were cuddled up on the couch together, with Jared in the middle (obviously). His head was resting on Evan's chest because the constant pressure eased Evan's anxiety, and Evan liked playing with the buttons on Jared's shirt. Connor was sitting sideways on the couch, legs draped over Jared's.

"I-I watched it with s-some kids a-at s-summer camp," Evan recalled. "It w-was r-really good, I l-liked it a-a lot."

"It's, like, the greatest 80's movie of all time," Connor inputted, taking a sip of the soda Ms. Hansen had gotten them.

"Uh, hello, are you out of your mind? You can't choose one best 80's movie!" Jared exclaimed. Connor laughed, gently shoving the other's thigh with the heel of his foot.

"Best means there's only one, Jared."

"Clearly you've never seen an 80's movie then." Jared shook his head. "Uncultured."

"I'm in AP English, don't call me uncultured."

"SHHH, THIS IS THE BEST PART." Jared immediately sat up straighter, his head colliding with Evan's chin.

"Ow!" Evan winced, pulling back. Connor's attention snapped to the youngest teen.

"You okay?"

Evan nodded. It hurt, sure, but Jared's infatuation with the ending of Heathers made up for it.

Connor let out a small chuckle at Jared's wonderstruck expression. Evan studied the pair, and he could feel the pride swelling up in his chest.

They were his to love, and he was theirs, and it was perfect.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now