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Connor's POV

Connor sat outside Evan's bedroom door. Mumbling could be heard from outside. Evan's sobs had turned silent tears as he talked to his mom. The door opened as Heidi stepped out, her purse in hand.

"See you later, honey. I'm back to work again." She smiled softly and waved to her son. Turning to Connor, she said, "Thanks for coming home with him. I knew he couldn't stay at school today but I really needed to head back to the hospital." Heidi smiled at him, hands on his shoulders. "Call me if you need anything, Connor."

She started back towards the front door.

"O-Okay, Mrs. Hansen. Thanks," he stuttered out.

"We've been over this, honey, call me Heidi!" she called, closing the door. Connor knocked softly on Evan's door.

"Ev, do you want me to come in?"

"N-No thanks. I-If that's a-all right with you." Evan's voice was slightly shaking. He needed some time alone.

"Okay. I'll be in the living room." Connor made his way to the couch and sat down. Taking the remote, he started flipping through the channels. He thought back to when he was talking to Heidi.

"Now, that's a loving parent," he mumbled sadly. He jumped, Evan's ringtone sounding from the backpack on the floor. Connor muted the TV and answered the cell phone. "Hello?"

"Ev, are you alright? Is anyone home with you? I'll come over if you need anything--"

Jared had called, as promised.

"Jare, calm down, it's me. Evan's fine he ju--"

"OhthankgodConnor. I felt so bad, shit, I'm so sorry..." Jared's voice picked up speed as he attempted to apologize. He didn't sound right, like he had been crying.

"Jare, are you alright?" Connor asked softly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." A sniff was heard. Connor paused a moment, thinking.

"Come over. I know you're not okay."

"It's the middle of the school day..." Jared interjected.

"Since when has that bothered you?" Connor argued, adjusting his sleeves in frustration.

"I'll be there in ten."

Connor sighed in relief at Jared's words. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some water. He walked over to Evan's room.

"Hey, Ev, I have some water if you want it."

Connor heard a quiet, "Thanks," and he set it outside of the door. A knock sounded from the front door as Connor crossed the room. A red-faced Jared held up a bag of small chocolates.

"Um, an apology? And stuff for Ev?" He looked away and tried to hand the bag to Connor.

"Holy shit." Connor laughed and hugged Jared. "You're so cute."

Jared made a noise close to a sob as he hugged Connor back.

"When did you get this? I thought you were at school?" Connor asked him, trying to make eye contact.

"Um, there's that little gift shop place right outside of school, I mean--" Jared pushed up his glasses and tried to walk past Connor, but Connor took his shoulders.

"That's just so fucking cute oh my god." Connor laughed again. This was just so uncharacteristic of Jared. "Who knew you could actually be such a sap?"

"Fuck off." Jared smirked and sat down on the couch. Connor stopped smiling and sat next to Jared.

"So, on the phone earlier--"

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now