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Connor watched Jared walk out with his parents and turned to Evan. Each had a worried look on their faces.

"Even my parents talk to me," Connor said with a frown.

"Well, they've kinda always been that way," Evan murmured.

"Is this why I've never met them?"

"I don't even know how our parents are friends. I think it's a stupid work thing." Evan's tone became frustrated. He shook his head, gently taking Connor's arm and leading him outside to wait for Heidi's car to pull up.

"Is he in trouble?" Connor asked timidly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do his parents not like us?"

Evan gave Connor a look.

"Ohmygod. I'm calling him." Connor took out his phone. The ringtone rang. It rang, and it rang, and it rang. Jared's voicemail asked him to leave a message. "He's not answering!" Connor groaned, frustrated. Heidi's car rattled up to the sidewalk as Evan and Connor silently made their way inside.

"Is something wrong, boys?" Heidi asked, noticing their faces.

"Can you, um, d-drop us off at Jared's?" Evan asked. Connor looked at him. He hadn't stuttered in a while.

"Are you sure, hon--"

"Yes! V-Very sure. Um, please." Evan interrupted. The car started forward as Evan leaned into Connor, eyes closed and his mind on Jared.


"Who is he?"

"Dad, he's just a friend. He and Evan came to see me sing!"

Mr. Kleinman slammed his hands on the table, causing Jared to jump.

"That's not what I asked!"

"Connor Murphy," Jared mumbled.

"Well, this Connor and Evan seemed awfully... close to you," Mr. Kleinman continued.

"You think they're gay? You've never been homophobic before," Jared shot at his parents. "You--"

"Well, we're not, but this wasn't exactly our plan for you," his mother interrupted.

"I'm not gay!" Jared laughed, shifting in his chair.

"Your demeanor says otherwise." His dad's tone was hard.

"Fuck you." Jared started to get up when his dad grabbed his shirt collar.

"Don't you dare --"

Jared's cellphone rang. It rang, and it rang, and it rang, each more agitating than the next. Jared let it go to voicemail. His dad's eyes were fire, his mother's ice.

Jared ripped free of his father's grip and sprinted to the door, running to the one place he could feel safe now. Evan's house. Winter air met his face as he ran through the streets. He reached Evan's front door and sat up against it, not knowing whether it was sweat or tears running down his face. Probably both.

Jared checked his phone: Six missed calls . Two were from Connor and Evan, the rest were from his mom. A new message popped up just as he was about call Evan.

Dad: Come back to this household when you're ready to be a proper son.

"That's not fair!" Jared cried aloud. Through sobs, he put his phone on speaker, waiting to hear a friendly voice.

"Jared?" Evan frantically answered. "We're on our way."

"No!" Jared shouted. "Come to your place. Please. That's where I am."

"What? What do you mean?" Connor's voice replied.

"Please." Jared's voice broke as he hung up, leaning his head on the door and letting go of the tears he tried to hold in. A few minutes later, he heard a car pull into the driveway. Two doors slammed before the ignition was shut off and then arms were around him. Connor took Jared's face in his hands, scared eyes meeting his.

"Fuck, did he hurt you?" Connor asked as Evan looked at his mom, gripping Jared's hand.

"A-Almost. Jesus, I was so scared!" Jared put his face on Connor's shoulder and squeezed Evan's hand tighter. Evan's arm wrapped around Jared's shoulders as he tried to comfort the shorter boy.

"You're safe now," Evan whispered, all of them silent as Heidi gently took Jared by the hand and led them all inside.

"I'll get water." She smiled softly at Jared as he hugged her. The three made their way to the couch. Evan wrapped a blanket around Jared, sitting next to him, the two cuddling into each other. Connor stepped into the kitchen to help Heidi carry the glasses into the living room. Evan rubbed Jared's back as he took deep breaths, Jared's soon matching his own. When Evan looked over, his eyes were closed and his head leaned into Evan's. He smiled, looking up at Connor. The taller boy set the water down and joined the others.

"I'll leave this on." She motioned to a light in the hall, leaving them for her room.

"What time is it?" Jared yawned.

"By the sound of it, time for you to go to sleep," Connor answered.

"About 10." Evan looked over at the clock.

"Do my parents miss me? Do you think they feel bad?" Jared's voice was quiet. Evan and Connor exchanged looks over Jared's head.

"Yeah. I think so," Connor lied.

"Well fucking good," Jared pouted. "As far as I know, they deserve it."

Evan smiled nervously.

"Okay, well, should I stay the night as well?" Connor sighed, checking his watch.

"Please." Jared grabbed his sleeve.

Connor smiled. "Okay, I think that clingy phase is making it's return."

"Oh, let it. Evan liked it anyway." Jared scoffed.

"I mean, I had no other friends." Evan laughed despite himself.

"Now you do." Connor reached over Jared to kiss Evan. Jared let his head fall into Evan's lap and Connor moved to the other side of Evan, letting him lean into his shoulder.

"I like when nights end like this," Evan whispered softly, his voice fading as he and Jared fell asleep. Connor stayed up, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. He paused, hand hovering over Zoe's latest Instagram post--she had gone out with Alana earlier, and had taken Connor's car without asking. Connor couldn't bring himself to be angry with his sister; he'd been angry for his entire life. He sighed and double-tapped his screen, before locking his phone and letting himself fall asleep against Evan.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now