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we just love pulling on heartstrings


Jared's POV
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Jared closed his eyes and put his head in his hands.

"Go away!" he growled.

"Nah, I don't think I want to..." Simon's eyes glinted. Simon. Of all people. Right now .

"What do you want with him?" Connor glared.

"I've been around Fag for a long time now, we're practically childhood friends." The darkness he held in his expression made Jared sick to his stomach.

"Yeah, uh, guys... this is Simon Xavier. He's my neighbor," Jared managed. His face had gone pale and his eyes were shifty. Evan took hold of Jared's shaking hand and squeezed. Looking up at Simon with terrified courage, he said,

"W-Why don't you l-leave him alone? U-Um... please..."

Simon only laughed.

"I haven't left him alone for years. See this?" He pointed to a faint scar under Jared's eye as Jared flinched. "That was me. And in 7th grade when Fag would come in with new bruises practically everyday? Also me. I beat him up after we'd get off the bus everyday. He never defended himself, just cried and ran home!"

Simon was laughing again. Jared's face flushed red as he put his head down. Simon messed up Jared's hair as he flinched again.

"Leave him alone!" Evan and Connor snapped in unison. They all looked at Evan in shock as Evan stood up, getting out of his seat and standing in front of Simon. The height difference would have been hilarious, but everyone was too distracted to notice.

"What?" Simon glared down at Evan.

"Just g-go away..." Evan's eyes started to fill with tears and his face started reddening, but he never backed down.

Simon grabbed Evan's shoulders and pushed him up against a wall.

"EVAN!" Connor shouted angrily. He leapt up and swung a punch at Simon. It was blocked, followed by Connor being practically thrown onto the adjacent table. Jared watched, terrified, shouting for everyone to just stop.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now