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this one is short but super intense guys, trigger warning for violence


Jared's POV
I love him, I love him, I love him , was all Jared's mind could process as he darted out of the supply closet he and Evan had been hiding in. He grabbed Connor's phone, shoving it into his pocket and making his way to the hospital entrance.

"Jared!" Evan managed.

"HEY, MR. MURPHY!" Jared yelled, feeling his face grow hot and the tears well in his eyes. "What kind of parents are you, huh?! You hurt him! It's all your fault!"

Jared knew he was crying, he could feel the tears falling down his face, but it didn't matter. He had to protect Connor.

"Evan, let go of me, let go--"

"N-No, no, y-you can't g-get h-hurt ag-again, please ," Evan begged.

"Dad, where are you going ?!" Connor screamed as the three teens watched Mr. Murphy's hand lift to open his car door.

"C-Connor, please--"

"Sir, you need to come back to your room," a nurse was saying.

"No! No, Dad where are you going?! Mom! Please !"

"Why do you keep running away?!" Jared shouted at Connor's dad. Then Mr. Murphy was in Jared's face, grabbing Jared's collar, and they were both yelling at each other so loudly, Jared didn't even know what either of them were saying.

Suddenly a sharp pain erupted down Jared's back, and he could only see stars for a few moments. When his eyes tried to refocus, they couldn't, and Jared realized his glasses had flown off his face.

"Jared !" Evan sobbed at the same time Mrs. Murphy managed to get out, "Larry !"

"You little piece of shit!" Mr. Murphy seethed, grabbing Jared again and throwing him off the hood of the Murphys' car and into Evan. The pair toppled to the ground.

The piercing wail of a police siren broke through Jared's skull, and Evan was burying his face in Jared's shoulder.

"IF YOU TOUCH HIM AGAIN, YOU'RE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME?! DEAD !" Jared screamed as the cops dragged Mr. Murphy away. He sat up carefully as Evan sobbed into his shirt, and Jared buried his face in Evan's hair.

"What the hell was that?!" Zoe Murphy's voice exclaimed. Jared felt Evan go tense in his arms. "Why are you three trying to ruin my family?!"

Evan starts shaking so badly Jared is worried he'll start breaking--mentally and physically. Jared had had enough of the Murphys' bullshit for a lifetime.

"Fuck off, Zoe!" he yelled when he felt Evan's breathing hitched. Zoe looked ready to blow a fuse, but her mother grabbed her arm and took her to the police officer that was waiting for them. Jared took a shuddering breath, screwing his eyes shut. "Shh, Ev, I've got you, I've got you. It'll be okay. We'll be okay."

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now