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angst and fluff - what we're best at


Connor Murphy has logged on

Weed Boy: is one of you still awake

Jared Kleinman has logged on

OK Freak: conn its almost 3am why are you awake

Weed Boy: sorry never mind

Connor sat back in his bed, squeezing his eyes shut.

You're a freak! You're ruining this family! I wish you were dead!

OK Freak: nonono conn whats wrong talk to me

OK Freak: conn?

Weed Boy: its nothing its stupid never mind

OK Freak: do you wanna come over?

Weed Boy: yes please..

OK Freak: ok i'll be right there to pick you up

Weed Boy: .. thanks jar

OK Freak: its no big deal

OK Freak: i care about you i wanna make sure youre safe

Connor pursed his lips as he scratched at the inside of his left wrist.

Maybe if you had just killed yourself that one time five years ago, we would all be better off!

Weed Boy: i love you

OK Freak: i love you too

OK Freak: im almost there ok?

Weed Boy: yeah

A few minutes later, Connor was safely inside the passenger's seat of Jared's Chevy Impala.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled as Jared fiddled with the radio. "I'm sorry, I'm being stupid."

"No, you aren't, Conn." Jared finally decided to just leave the radio off. "Do you wanna talk about what happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Conn..." Jared sighed.

"I got into a fight with Zoe."

Jared glanced at Connor out of the corner of his eye.

"It's nothing." Connor shook his head. Jared pursed his lips.

You're nothing but a fuck up, a complete freak! I hate you! I HATE YOU!


The long-haired boy jumped, eyes widening. Jared was leaning over him, shaking his arm. He looked concerned, and maybe even a little scared.

"You are not okay, Connor. You just blacked out in the five minutes it took to drive to my house."

Connor shook his head, wiping at his eyes. Jared sighed again, grabbing Connor's hands and gently pulling him out of the car.

They stumbled through Jared's house in the dark, finally collapsing on Jared's bed. Jared kicked off his own shoes and unlaced Connor's, before settling back on his pillow, not caring that they were both still in their day clothes. He wrapped his arms around Connor's torso, the taller of the two nestled comfortably on top of Jared's chest. The Jewish teen pulled the blanket over them both.

"What am I going to do with you, Murphy?"

"I'm in love with you," Connor said instead. Jared blinked, then kissed the top of Connor's head.

"I'm in love with you too. Now get some sleep. We don't need Acorn fretting over us in the morning."


Connor woke up to the faint sound of running water and Jared's stuff abandoned on the floor.

"Jare?" he asked.

"Hm?" he heard Jared say through his toothbrush in the next room over.

"What time is it?"

"Umm... 5:59." The tap shut off and Jared appeared in the doorway.

"Why the hell do you wake up so early?" Connor groaned and turned over. "Can I shower?"

"Quickly. My parents don't like a lot of commotion in the morning so I usually try to rush out of here."

"Explains why your outfits always look like shit..." Connor said, getting up. Jared giggled quietly.

"You little shit. Now leave my room." Jared gestured dramatically to the door. Connor groaned, throwing a pillow at Jared in the process. A tiny gasp came from him.

"How dare you disrespect your host!" He wore the pillow as a fake crown. Connor ran out laughing before Jared could get revenge. The bathroom was... really nice. Even nicer than his. It was mostly empty, modest in a nice way. Connor figured Jared had this bathroom to himself. He could smell Jared's faint cologne coming from the counter... since when did Jared ever wear cologne? As Connor got ready, he could hear Jared singing softly from his room.

"I'll be there and you'll be here, and that's the deal my dear."

Yep. It was totally Shakira. Connor stifled a laugh as he finished up and climbed back into the same clothes from yesterday.

"Jared, I'm ready. And stop singing. You can't pull off a hispanic accent," Connor said, laughing.

"Fuck you!" Jared smiled. "... you could hear me?"

"Yeah, and hark! I think Canada can too!" Connor's laugh echoed through the hall as Jared pushed him out. "Hey, text Evan. Do you think he needs a ride?"

"Good idea," Jared replied, taking out his phone. Connor read the texts over his shoulder.

Jared Kleinman has logged on

OK Freak: ev do you need a ride?

A couple minutes passed before they got a response.

Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: Actually, yes please.

OK Freak: i'll be there in like 10

Acorn: Thanks. What about Connor?

OK Freak: he's with me already

Acorn: Oh, okay.

Jared Kleinman and Evan Hansen have logged off

Connor went to grab his hoodie, but found that it wasn't hanging on the bedpost where he'd left it. He turned around to ask Jared if he'd put it somewhere else to see Jared slipping it on his own shoulders.

"Kleinman, what the hell are you doing?" Connor raised an eyebrow.

"What does it look like, Murphy? I'm making you less emo."

"It's... huge on you." Connor loved the way the hoodie reached to the middle of Jared's thighs and the way the sleeves hung off his hands. Cute. He forced down a blush.

"Because you're a fucking tree." Jared snorted. "No wonder Evan loves you. He's kinkier than we give him credit for."

Connor shoved Jared's shoulder, and the shorter laughed.

"Come on, let's go get Ev before he starts to worry."

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now