Twenty (Epilogue)

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SURPRISE UPDATE! We've reached the end! Thank you all so much for reading! This has been so much fun to write, and my friends and I are so sad this has come to the end. Hopefully, though, there will be a sequel in the furture. :)))


Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: Hey, guys.

Acorn: So...

Acorn: My dad is coming home for Christmas.

Acorn: Apparently.

Acorn: So I don't know if it's a good idea for you to come over.

Acorn: And I'm really sorry, this is so stupid, I wish he would just stay out of all of our lives.

Acorn: But...

Acorn: It's whatever. I guess.

Acorn: I'll talk to you guys in the morning.

Acorn: I love you.

Evan Hansen has logged off


Connor Murphy has logged on

Ballet Boy: so i guess my dad is accepting me now?

Ballet Boy: im just really confused

Ballet Boy: this is a lot to take in

Ballet Boy: but i think im willing to give him another chance?

Ballet Boy: idk

Ballet Boy: its late maybe im just sleep deprived

Ballet Boy: night xx

Connor Murphy has logged off


Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: My dad just emailed and he isn't coming after all?

Acorn: He's less consistent than my anxiety.

Acorn: Haha.

Evan Hansen has logged off


Jared Kleinman has logged on

JareBear: looks like my parents are getting prosecuted

JareBear: child neglect or whatever

JareBear: guess we really are getting a happily ever after

JareBear: or something

Jared Kleinman has logged off


Connor Murphy has logged on

Jared Kleinman has logged on

Evan Hansen has logged on

Ballet Boy: so

JareBear: what now?

Acorn: Do you guys wanna come over?

Acorn: My mom ordered pizza.

JareBear: hell yeah

Ballet Boy: who can say no to pizza

JareBear: tell mama hansen we're on our way

Acorn: :)

Ballet Boy: i love you guys

Acorn: I love you too.

JareBear: s a p s

JareBear: but im one too afdskjlkjl

Ballet Boy: jared

JareBear: hmm?

Acorn: Shut up.


Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now