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oh we love the angst. haven't you learned that by now?


Jared's POV
Jared walked down the hall in his usual fast-paced fashion, whispers filling the silence as he tried to race past and ignored it all. This had been happening for a while since he, Connor, and Evan had become open about their relationship. But today was... different.

"Jared!" A girl in his grade caught his attention. Madeline, Madison? He couldn't remember.

"Hey," he answered blandly.

"Is everything okay?" She seemed genuinely concerned.

"Umm, as far and I know, yes?" He checked his shirt and face. He seemed fine.

"Oh, okay. It's just with Justin beating up-- um, your boyfriend and all I thought--"

"What?" Jared shouted, alarming the girl. "Where is he?"

"Oh, um, Connor is in the nurse, and uh--"

"Thanks." Jared sprinted in the other direction as the bell rang. As the nurse's office came into reach, Jared swung in the doorway. "Connor?"

Jared spotted Connor curled up on a bed in the way back.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" Jared gently moved Connor's hair out if his face.

"It's nothing. I got into a fight, that's all. You should go to class." Connor looked back at the wall. His knuckles were busted up and he had an ice pack on his shoulder. Jared took Connor's hand in his own.

"It's okay. I'll skip chorus. I want to be here right now." Jared smiled.

"Chorus? I thought you had study hall." Connor frowned.

"Shit," Jared muttered. "I--uh... yeah, I take chorus."

"You sing?" Connor smirked at the idea.

"Yes, actually." Jared seemed a bit defensive. "I--um..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I actually have a solo. With a bass."

"Dude, what? That's great! Why didn't you tell us?" Connor sat up, immediately wincing in pain. Jared flusteredly had him lie back down.

"It's The Scientist by Coldplay.. I start it. I'm actually really nervous."

"When's the concert?"

Jared was silent.

"... Jared?"

"I don't want you to hear me sing," Jared mumbled.

"What?" Connor inquired.

"I don't want you to hear me, okay? I'm not any good." Jared was clearly frustrated.

"Okay, chill. I know you're fantastic."

"You haven't even heard me."

"Yes, I have."

At Connor's comment, Jared froze.


"Shakira. In your bedroom." Connor grinned.

"That doesn't count!"

"You were so good!"

"You made fun of me!" Jared pouted.

"You were great. Please let us come." Connor kissed Jared, winning him over (as per usual).

"Fine. Friday," Jared said, face burning.

"Thanks." Connor smiled softly. The nurse then came into the room, explaining how she called his parents. Connor's face fell.

"Who answered?"

"Your mom."

Jared and Connor both let out the breath they hadn't realized they had been holding.

"She'd like to talk to you." The nurse handed Connor the phone.

"Yeah?... uh-huh. He made fun of my friends--yes, I have friends... I'm okay... yeah, you too. Bye."

The phone call was over within a minute. Jared was aggressively biting at his nails as Connor told him to stop. Putting his hands in his lap, Jared cast terrified eyes to Connor.

"Will she tell your dad?" Jared asked.

"Nah. I'm okay." Connor tried to smile, grabbing Jared's hands. "Your hands are cold."

"They always are." Jared let Connor try to warm his hands for a bit before he pulled away to text Evan.

Jared Kleinman logged on.

OK Freak: ev, are you free friday?

Evan Hansen logged on.

Acorn: When am I not. Why?

Jared smirked, Evan was catching onto their sarcasm.

OK Freak: i have a concert. i want you and connor to come.

Acron: Concert? Music concert? Like, Jazz Band or something?

OK Freak: well... im singing a solo.

Acorn: I'll come. I didn't know you sang.

OK Freak: are you okay? you seem kinda off??

Acorn: I'm fine. I just had a panic attack, but I'm fine and I'm alright, don't worry about me please.

OK Freak: fuck where are you????

Acorn: Guidance. So is my mom.

At that Jared stood up and gently tried to help Connor up.

"What? Why are we leaving?" Connor asked.

"Ev's not okay. I don't know what happened. I don't know why we couldn't help, he never asks for help. We could help him! I just don't know why he doesn't let us--"

At this point, Jared's words were met with sobs. Connor's eyes suddenly turned dark.

"Jared, we obviously couldn't help it because it happened, I don't know what's up with you."

This was answered with more sobs and a lot of shrugging. Connor grabbed Jared's shoulders and shook him.

"Shut up!" he shouted angrily. "Evan won't calm down if he sees you like this and honestly I can't deal with you right now."

Jared stared at Connor, stunned. He sounded just like Jared's father. Connor must have realized this, immediately letting go and apologizing, but Jared's tears still came. This time he was silent, but a cold look came across him. An icy laugh came from him and he looked away.

"Jar, I'm sorry, I just--"

"No, no, it's fine," Jared said in a cool, sarcastic tone. "You fucked up, what else is new?"

"Jared!" Connor's eyes were those of a scared child.

"Don't fucking talk to me. If you can't deal with me right now, I certainly can't deal with you." Jared turned on his heel, and walked the way they came. He then turned his head slightly. "Tell Ev I'll call him," he said miserably, leaving Connor alone.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now