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Evan's POV

Over the next two weeks, Jared had settled in with his grandmother, the only family willing to take him after he never returned home that night. Evan had tried to convince him to live with the Hansens', but Jared had refused, making some joke about Heidi adopting him and them becoming brothers. Although he respected his wishes, Evan was worried about Jared. He never told them what his parents said when he went back to pack his things. Jared's always been one to keep secrets, but this was bigger and his boyfriends just wanted to feel trusted. Trying to forget the drama, Evan was sitting on cross-legged on his bed, nose buried in the book he was reading: The Mage and the Magpie by Austin J. Bailey.

His phone went off on his nightstand beside him, and he picked it up.

Jared Kleinman has logged on

JareBear: gUYS

Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: Yeah??

Connor Murphy has logged on

Ballet Boy: what jare


Ballet Boy: jared get on with it

Acorn: I'm in suspense, Jared.


Ballet Boy: wait really??

Acorn: That's great!

Acorn: Can I ask why?

JareBear: well my parents are going to visit distant relatives i have no interest in seeing and they arent very fond of me rn anyway so they really dont care where i am

Ballet Boy: what about your grandma? arent you living with her?

JareBear: shes so deaf that she'll never notice im gone

JareBear: besides i got permission so

JareBear: itll be fine

Acorn: I'm glad you'll be with us, though, Jared. :)

Ballet Boy: still not sure if im invited to the murphy family xmas dinner

Ballet Boy: but i should be available on xmas eve

Ballet Boy: i gtg

Acorn: Connor, I'm sure they'll want to be with you.

JareBear: screw them come hang out with us

JareBear: we're the cool kids

Ballet Boy: yeah sure

Ballet Boy: ttyl ily xx

Acorn: I love you too, Connor.

JareBear: hope to see ya ballerina

Connor Murphy has logged off

Evan sighed, tapping his foot. He couldn't get his mind off Connor.

JareBear: acorn ya there

Acorn: I'm here, sorry.

JareBear: s'fine

JareBear: did conn seem off to you?

Acorn: Yeah, he did. I just wish his family could get over themselves.

JareBear: me too ev

"Evan! Honey, could you come here a second?" Heidi's voice called.

"Just a minute!" Evan replied.

Acorn: I have to go help my mom with something. I'll talk to you later, right?

JareBear: yeah ofc acorn

Acorn: I love you.

JareBear: ilyt

JareBear: hey can i come over later

Acorn: Yeah, sure. I'll text you.

JareBear: ok thnx ev

Acorn: :)

Jared Kleinman has logged off

Evan Hansen has logged off

"Yeah, Mom?" Evan walked into the kitchen. He frowned when he got a good look at his mother. She had her head in her hands, her laptop sitting open in front of her. "Mom?"

"Your father emailed me," she finally said. Evan's throat constricted. "He says he's coming to see us for Christmas."

"What?" Evan asked. "How can he--why would--what does he want with us? I think... I think he made it pretty clear when I was five that he didn't want me or you, so... so why now?"

"I don't know," Heidi managed in reply. "I don't know, Evan."

Evan could feel the anger bubbling inside of him as he watched the tears well in Heidi's eyes. He pushed it aside and hugged his mom. She buried her face in her son's shoulder.

"We'll be okay, Mom," he mumbled, rubbing her back. "We'll be okay."

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now