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angst is our middle name


Connor watched silently as Evan talked to his mom on the phone. Jared was asleep, still curled into Connor's side. Since he had been admitted to the hospital, they told him, Evan and Jared hadn't left his side.

Evan shut his "weird, off-brand cellphone", as Jared had dubbed it, and turned to the others.

"My m-mom's on her way t-to pick us u-up. We-We've got to get to s-school soon."

Connor nodded, leaning over Jared to grab the shorter boy's glasses off the nightstand. He didn't really want them to leave, but he didn't want them to fall too far behind in school either.

"W-We'll visit ev-every day, d-don't w-worry." Evan gave Connor a shy smile.

"You don't have to do that, Ev--"

"I want to," Evan interrupted confidently. Then his face flushed red. "I-I-I mean, only if--"

"Ev," Connor said softly, "it's okay."

Evan nodded, playing with his hands. Connor shook Jared's shoulder.

"No," was the muffled reply. Evan and Connor grinned.

"Jared, come on, you have to go back to school."

"No I don't. I'm going to stay here and suffocate in your hospital bed."

Evan giggled, taking Jared's glasses from Connor.

"C-Come on, Jared, m-my mom's g-gonna be h-here s-soon."

" Fiiiiiine ." Jared rolled out of Connor's bed, shoving his glasses hastily on his face. "I'm going."

"Let me know if Mrs. Kitts missed me!" I called after them as they went out front to meet Ms. Hansen.


Connor Murphy has logged on

Weed Boy: does mrs kitts miss me

Weed Boy: i know she does

Weed Boy: deep down

Evan Hansen has logged on

Acorn: I mean, I don't have her, so I wouldn't know.

Weed Boy: youre fine ev

Weed Boy: jared cmon where are you i need to know

Acorn: Jared might be sleeping or something, I think he has a free period now, never mind that's stupid, I'm gonna stop...

Weed Boy: ev calm down its ok

Weed Boy: he probably is sleeping for all we know

Acorn: You're probably eight...

Acorn: RIGHT

Acorn: Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to call you eight, that's so stupid, I'm so stupid, I know you're not eight, I meant right, sorry.

Weed Boy: ev, it was a typo, its ok

Acorn: Yeah...

Jared Kleinman has logged on

OK Freak: connor you know mrs kitts hates your emo ass

Weed Boy: she does not

OK Freak: why are you failing then

Weed Boy: bc her daughter hates me

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now