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special thanks to autumn tap on pinterest for promoting our story!


Jared's POV (bc i want the readers to see the rest of this beautiful thing)

OK Freak: evan

OK Freak: connor is deadass passed out on my sofa


Jared leant over to brush a piece of hair out of Connor's face. He patted Connor's knee.

OK Freak: wow hes a deep sleeper i slapped his ass and he didnt move

Well, maybe not yet , Jared thought to myself.

Acorn: Aw.

Acorn: ... Jared, that was unnecessary.

OK Freak: no i think you mean completely necessary

Acorn: No, but okay then.

OK Freak: yeah

OK Freak: waiting for the beanpole to wake up

Jared carefully stood up, placing Connor's legs gently back on the couch. He headed to the backyard where his older brother's old hoop was still set up.

OK Freak: lonely jared playing basketball all by himself

Acorn: Oh, no, Jared, I'm sorry, I'd come and play too, but I don't know how

OK Freak: just

OK Freak: *throws* *grunt noise* *miss* *enthusiastic cheer* thats what i do

Acorn: That... that was detailed.

OK Freak: yeah it was

OK Freak: come on evan

OK Freak: seriously

OK Freak: come over

OK Freak: we can have our own party

Acorn: I can't right now, I would, but I have to go to therapy, I'd rather go there, maybe I will come, actually...

OK Freak: no

OK Freak: go to therapy

OK Freak: you promised connor

Acorn: I know, but I hate it, and it doesn't help.

OK Freak: then what will?

Acorn: Fine. Just for the deal.

OK Freak: no ev

OK Freak: talk to me, please

OK Freak: if theres something better, try that

OK Freak: but please, go to your therapy sessions

Acorn: I've tried so hard for my whole life, guys.

Acorn: I made no progress, and all I get is more medicine that doesn't do anything!

OK Freak: then maybe medication isnt for you

Acorn: But what else can I do, Jared?

Acorn: Medication does very little, therapy doesn't work, the damn letters I'm supposed to write to myself just make me even more depressed and yet here I am, I still stutter every other word, and I can't do anything about.

Sincerely Three  ➶  Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now