A little chat between boys

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I left the headmaster's office after he gave us a whole lecture, I noticed that he told the witch to stay. Memories of how he protected me of getting devoured by that damned werewolf kept on going through my head, my cheeks started to paint a little pink.

'He looked exactly like a hero.', I thought with a light blush as I remembered how he fearlessly stood up for me. 

After a while, I made it to the boys' dorm. Almost everyone was standing outside of their room and bombarded me with questions. 

"Who was that dude who dragged you along?"

"Is it true that there actually is a witch?"

"Whoa, I heard you got in trouble."

I just sighed and ignored them all while walking towards my dorm room. I opened it and saw my roommate sitting on his bed, reading a book. He looked up at me and gave out a huge sigh.

"...You always get yourself into trouble.", he told me with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.", I said as I lay on my bed, feeling a little tired. I started to think about the witch again, he knew my name but I still didn't knew his.

"I'll definitely ask him tomorrow.", I muttered.

"What are you going to ask who?", My roommate AKA Arthur asked while still looking at his book.

My cheeks started to turn a little pink and I quickly tried to come up with something, but found nothing, "N-None of your b-business!", I didn't want him to know that I actually befriended a witch. I always talked mad shit about them and so did Arthur, so I would sound very hipocrytical if I told him I was thinking about the witch. 

I think I got my British friend confused 'cause he put the book away and gave me a tiny smirk, "Who were you talking about~?", he teased, which was very unusual for him.

"Like I said, none of your business, dude.", I said as I looked at the wall right next to my bed. Suddenly, I felt like someone was on top of me. I looked up and saw Arthur who held my wrists down.

"Guess I'll just have to read your mind.", he said and looked my straight into the eyes. I tried closing them, but I couldn't. You see, this was Arthur's vampire power. He could read minds while I had a very powerful strength.

After he was done, he let go of me and let out a simple, "Oh."

"I-I can explain.", I stuttered out.

"It's fine. I wouldn't get to close to him, though. He's a witch, after all.", he told me and lay on his bed, putting his book underneath his pillow. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over. 


Ok, I know it's short...But yeah, deal with it. I'm definitely going to update another chapter today and if not, then punish me. Just kidding, don't please.

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now