A tiny, little secret

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"Come in.", Romulus stated, not looking up from his desk. 

The door opened, revealing a nervous Gabriel, "Umm, sir...", Romulus looked up from his desk and lay his pen down. 

"Oh. Gabriel, right? What brings you here?", The old Roman asked, furrowing his eyebrows, "It's pretty late."

"I-I just wanted to talk....", Gabriel twirled his fingers around, nervously, "...About me."

Romulus sighed pushing the papers on his desk a little bit away from him, motioning for the young boy to sit down on the chair in front of him, "Alright. Your secret is safe with me if that's what you wanted to know. But I do want to know why.", He announced, sternly. 

Gabriel let out a small sigh of relief, before nervously gulping, "I-I was sent here..."

"By who?", Romulus asked curiously while moving a bit closer. 

"By....", Gabriel began, feeling frightened, "..Death."

"What is your business here?" Romulus narrowed his eyes, "It's not always that he sends an..undead."

"I'm supposed to stay by someone's side until their last moment.", Gabriel answered, glaring at the principal. 

Romulus sighed before announcing, "Fine. You may go.", In no time, Gabriel blasted off. 


Gabriel was sitting on his bed, looking at the clock. It was very late, but he couldn't sleep. He didn't know for sure if he could trust his secret with the headmaster, 'An undead in a school full of vampires, huh?', He asked himself, grinning at the thought. He still remembered how he died. How he didn't survive the battle between the humans and the witches. 


I awakened by myself being shaken. Grudgingly, I opened my eyes and gave my mother a tiny glare, "Go away...Let me sleep!", I whined, holding the blanket over my head. In no time, the blanket was taken off and my mother was looking at me, sternly. 

"We have to leave. Now.", She demanded, picking me up. Only then did I hear the harsh yelling from outside. 

"Mommy, what's going on?", I asked her, tired and worried. 

"Nothing, sweetie. Listen, we just need to get out of here.", She told me, ruffling my hair. With that, she made her way out of the house with me in her arms. My eyes grew wide as I saw what displayed outside. Houses were on fire; people were fighting, and bodies lay on the ground. Holding in a shriek, I held on tightly to my mother as she ran away with me. We ran through the whole town, trying not to get caught up in a fire or murdered. 

"Mum! What's going on!?", I questioned, crying. Before she could answer, we stumbled down to the ground; and I hit the pavement, hard. I held my aching arm as I ran to my mother, seeing the got one of her feet stuck between two rocks. I started to panic, trying to pull her out as she screamed in agony. I didn't hear the shrieking from a building that was behind me. But when my pointed behind me and I turned around, it was too late. The building collapsed on top of us. 


I woke up on a bed, surrounded by an unknown room. I sat up, "Where am I?", I asked myself, confused. The last thing I remembered was trying to help my mom but having a building fall on us. 

I shrieked as the door opened and a kid my age appeared, "Ve~, you're awake!", The girl yelled, running off. 

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking extra confused, "Well...That was weird.", I thought. 

After a while, the girl appeared again with a teen next to him. He had red eyes and white hair, so I guessed that he was an albino. 

He did a weird laugh before walking towards me, "Finally, zhe awesome me was waiting for too long."

"Where am I?", I asked, puzzled. 

"Jou're at little ____-chan's house. I was planning to visit zhem and saw jou sprawled out on a flower field so I decided to take you along!", He answered in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"Oh...Okay.", I responded, still confused. 

"I'm zhe awesome _______, just so you know.", He introduced, his weird laugh following after. 

"And I'm _________!", The girl my age introduced. They then both looked at me, waiting for my name. 

"...I don't give my name to strangers...", I responded, looking away. 

"Vhat a worrybut! I got a bruder like you who's just as worrisome.", The albino laughed, showing his...fangs. 

"W-Why do you have fangs...?", I asked and he quickly shut up. 

"P-Pfft? Fangs? No w-way!", He lied through his teeth. I decided to act along and gave him a believing look while secretly planning my escape plan, "I need to go to the bathroom.", I announced. 

"Oh. Follow me!", The girl demanded, running off. Quickly, I ran after her. Soon enough, she showed me to the bathroom and left. Closing the door behind me, I looked for a window. Luckily, there was one. I pushed a chair that was sat at the corner right underneath the window and stood on it, crawling out of the window. I immediately ran away as far as I could. 


Years passed and I had realised that I was...dead. I had thoughts about it first when I realised that my body was extremely cold and I couldn't feel pain. But, I finally concluded it when I fell off of a building, but somehow opened my eyes again and saw that I was alive....Well, undead. 

Soon enough, I met other dead people and even Death himself. I was now sitting on a rock, gazing at mother nature. Till I noticed Death walking by. "Wait!", I stopped him. He turned around and looked at me, impatiently. 

"I don't have the time, kid. I got the collect the soul of (...) and after that, (...) and then, (...), ....", He kept on calling names, till one got me widen my eyes. 

"Excuse me, who!?", I yelled, shocked. 

"Um, (...)?", He answered, looking at me weirdly. 

"No! The one before him."

"(M/n) (L/n)?", He told me, puzzled. My eyes widened even more, realising that it was the name of the person I longed for the most. 

"W-When!?", I questioned. 

"In a couple of weeks. Now, let me do my job.", He answered before walking off, leaving me astonished. Only one thought popped up in my head. 

'I got to find him and prevent his death.'


I kinda just hurried off with this chapter, sorry for the inconvenience. Any questions? Feel free to ask. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now