Another day

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Class ended after a while, the bell annoying me as hell. Oliver immediately grabbed me and dragged me all the way to my brother and Francois who were sitting on a bench. He sat down as well, while he made me also sit down.

"Now...Explain!", Oliver yelled, excitedly but also mad. I saw Matt look at us in confusement, while Francois didn't seem to care.

"You know the rumour about there being a witch?----", I was cut off by Oliver.

"Yes! Did you meet him!? What is he like?---", noticing that he wouldn't stop anytime soon, I kept him quiet by putting a hand on his mouth and making a 'shush' motion. 

"Now...Are you going to shut the he--aven up?", I said, saving myself from the curse words I almost said. Because I knew for sure that Oliver would flip his lit.

He frowned a bit and then nodded, I slowly removed my hand from his mouth, "Mhm, where was I?", I asked myself as I thought for a bit.

"Oh yes, the witch.", I remembered.

"The witch came to this part of the Academy. I then had with him, that's all.", I told Oliver, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh! Why do you have his wand, exactly?", he questioned. 

I sighed and answered, "He accidentally left it here."

"When are you planning to return it to him?", Oliver asked, curiously. I groaned at how many questions he was asking but answered anyway.

"I'm planning to do it when our shitty classes are over.", I responded, getting irritated.

He gasped and took out his lovely swear jar, "Swear jar!", he screamed right into my ears. I groaned again and put a five in it.

Soon enough, the bell rang. And luckily for me, Oliver won't be in any of my classes anymore, this day. I stood up and left them, walking to my next class. If you're wondering why I'm not skipping class.....The punishments aren't worth it.


Finally, classes were over. I could finally go to the damn vampire part of the Academy. I took the wand back out of my pocket and took a good look at it. It was black but beautiful, it had a nice pattern on it. I thought witches had those wooden sticks as wands, I guess I thought wrong.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard someone yelling out to me, "Allen! Wait!", I groaned for the third time today. Soon enough, my pink haired friend made it right next to me.

"I want to go to the witch as well~", he said in a singing voice. I let out a sigh and continued walking.

"You didn't answer my question, though.....What is he like?", the Brit asked me. 

"Rude, hotheaded, .....Full of fear, but at the same time not. And, of course, different.", I told him as I started thinking about the witch.

Oliver nodded rather slowly and then gave his signature smile again, "What's his name?"

"Now that I think about it....I never asked his name.", I muttered to myself, but it seemed like Oliver heard it.

"What a terrible manners, Allen!", he said as he crossed his arms. I ignored him and luckily for me, we kept the whole journey silent after that.

After a while, we made it to the Vampire part of the Academy, I saw lots of students backing away as they saw us.

"What are werewolves doing here!?"

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now