Hidden Confession

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Noticing that (M/n) had fallen asleep on me, I looked at him with a small smile while still looking out for trees. This time, I flew higher than normal, not wanting to get jumped on by a werewolf again.

'It's my fault anyway...", I thought to myself with a sad look.

I sighed as I made it to the boys' dorm, seeing that my window was closed...I had to go through the hallways to get to my shared dorm room. I passed lots of students who gave me confused glances, I saw some even staring at (M/n)'s chest, making me glare at them.

Soon enough, I made it in front of my dorm room. With a little difficulty, I opened it. Sadly, my roommate, AKA Feliciano was inside and it seemed like he had noticed me.

"Ve!? What happened!?", he asked with concern as he looked at our bruises while I placed (M/n) on my bed.

"None of your business, fratello.", I responded, my voice full of venom.

"B-But---", he was about to say before I cut him off.

"Shut up. I'm going to go to the girls' dorm to grab him some fresh clothes. Look out for him.", I simply said in a cold voice as I left.


When Lovino left, I quickly stood up and ran towards his bed with the witch on it. I noticed that his shirt was torn, exposing his chest and stomach. I blushed a scarlet red as I tried to stand up to grab a shirt of mine to give him in the meantime.

But before I could do so, I felt someone grab me and pull me towards them. My eyes widened as I was right in contact with the witch's face. I tried to pull free, but he had a tight grip on me. I kept on struggling, till I became tired and gave up, letting the witch cuddle up against me.

I felt one of his legs sliding up my thigh, but I thought nothing of it. Instead, I enjoyed the warmth and pulled him closer to me, taking in his scent. I just hoped that nobody would open the door right now and notice me in this position with him. Sadly, luck wasn't on my side.

"Lovi, have you seen my-----!?", a certain Spaniard walked in, who I guess was looking for my brother. I tried to act cool but failed horribly.

"Ah! B-Big brother Antonio! C-Ciao!", I stuttered out as I tried to get loose of the witch's grip.

"Feli...What are you doing?", he asked with a look of confusement. I was about to say something, till I felt the leg that rested on my thigh going North. I yelped as I quickly tried struggling again.

"Oh...I see!", Antonio said as he quickly ran towards us and tried to pull me free, with no vain. He tried again, nothing. For a witch, he had an awfully strong grip.

"Don't worry, Feli! I'll get help!", he said as he was about to leave the room, till a certain Southern Italian opened the door with some fresh clothes. He looked at the scenario that was playing in front of him and he sighed. I heard him mutter something underneath his breath.

"Explain.", he simply said as he glared at Antonio and me.

"I saw them both like this when I entered the room to look for you.", Antonio told Lovino, who sighed and looked at me.

"Umm...When you left, I ran to his side and I noticed his exposed chest, so I was about to grab a shirt of mine but he grabbed me and cuddled up against me...Ve...", I explained as Lovino started walking towards us, trying to pull me off, with no vain.

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now