Final battle

803 45 15

(M/n) POV

The next morning, I woke up and got ready before Elizabeta. I couldn't sleep at all, last night. I just felt so worried and concerned as to what might happen. But most of all, I was afraid. Afraid for my own life. Now that they've found me, I'm sure they want my powers or to have me dead. I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready for dying. I'm not ready for giving away my dear powers. I just want to survive. 

I removed my pyjamas and put some comfortable clothes on. I've decided that I'm not joining classes today. Instead, I'll be talking to the principal about this matter. Because I find my life way more important than education. I'm not letting the witch line end with me. I'm going to survive, reproduce and get many witch babies, no matter what cost. 

Looking out of the window, I saw the black figure with the scythe closer than ever. I felt a slight headache building up, but I ignored it. I turned away from the window and made my way to the door. As I turned the doorknob, I couldn't help but feel like I'm putting everyone in danger. Those humans are smarter than they look. I mean, they even made themselves immune to witches. It'd be no surprise if they made themselves immune to vampires as well. Werewolves? I doubt it. But still, they're pretty strong. 

Finally opening the door, I exited my shared dorm room and started heading towards the headmaster's office with a worried expression on my face. In one of the hallways, I noticed Natalia standing there with Emma, "Ah, witch, you're early.", I would've at least gave a simple nod as a small greeting, but I couldn't. I had to go to the headmaster's office with no distractions. So, I simply passed the two girls. 

I made it towards the lobby where only two girls were located. They were talking to each other, so they wouldn't notice my concerned form. I made my way to the front door and opened it, exiting the building. The door from behind me slammed shut with a loud 'bang'. 

I then stopped dead in my tracks, one thought in my head, 'Damnit. I forgot my besom!', Although it was very tempting to go back...I couldn't. I need to inform the headmaster about the situation first. 

So on, I continued my journey towards the principal. He should be awake at this hour, I hope. As I was walking, I didn't look at any vampire I passed. Although, I couldn't help but worry even more. Through those past few weeks, I made friends. Best friends, even. I don't want anything to happen to them. Plus, I don't think I could forgive myself if anything happened to them. 

Snapping out of my corrupted thoughts, I noticed I had made it in front of the headmaster's office. Harshly knocking on the door, I waited for an answer. 

"Come in.", I heard the principal command. In no time, I opened the door and gave him a serious look, meaning there's business to handle. 

"What brings you here?", He asked, looking at the clock. 

"I have something to tell you.", I told him, looking down. This caught his attention and motioned for me to sit down, which I did. With that, I started explaining. 


After I finished, the headmaster looked troubled, taking all the information in. 

"Alright....(M/n), you're just going to be attending classes.", He began, but then gave me a very stern look, "If you see, feel or hear anything out of the usual; Immediately, inform me."

"Yes, sir.", I said, mocking a weak salute. I heaved a sigh as I stood up from the chair I was sitting on, "And witch..", He began again, giving me a concerned look, "Stay safe."

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now