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(M/n) POV

I saw Kuro, clutching his trusty katana. Looking back at the human man, it seemed that the katana had slashed through the man's head, resulting in his quick death. I tore my eyes away from the gruesome scene and put my attention on my wound. It hurt a lot and probably wouldn't make it, that's for sure. 

I glanced back towards Kuro, noticing that his horrified gaze was on my wound. I couldn't blame him, it was gaping wide! Opening my mouth, I tried to catch his attention, but no words came out. Instead, I started coughing blood. But luckily, that caught his attention. He instantly ran towards me, kneeling down and putting pressure on my wound, "...It will all be okay.", He tried to assure me, but it did not work. I started panicking and letting out pained gasps, moving away from Kuro's agonizing touch while having a pained expression on my face. 

I looked back at Kuro, observing how the last speck of hope left his eyes. He knew I was going to die. Closing my eyes tightly, I tried to bear with the pain. It did not fade; Instead, it only worsened. Kuro tried to get close to me again and this time, I let him. His eyes glanced back towards my wound before meeting my eyes again. He held me close in his arms as he whispered soothing words in my ear, "Hush...It's all going to be alright. We will be alright. Nothing's going to happen to us..."

I bit through the pain and scoffed, "Lies. I'm going to die.", Those were pretty hard words, but I had to get it through his head. He closed his eyes as I saw his lips curl, he looked ready to cry but was holding it in. Frowning, I brought one of my hands near his cheek before gently running my fingers over the skin, trying to soothe him. In no time, tears left his eyes and he started sobbing while clutching my wrist tightly. I flinched but did not say a word. 

Slowly, I bumped my forehead against his, "I-I'm sorry...", I apologised for being the hassle I am. My own lips started to curl up as I felt tears building up in my eyes, threatening to fall. Kuro's eyes opened and I saw his charming red eyes flash. Out of nowhere, he held my cheek with his free hand before leaning in, his lips capturing mine. I was surprised, to say the least. But most of all, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed his cold lips meeting mine. I enjoyed his tender touch against my cheek. I enjoyed everything about him and wanted it to last forever. Gradually, I kissed back, our lips moving against each other. It felt amazing. The gentle kiss soon enough turned rough and I tilted my head to deepen it. All our emotions that were stuck in our body finally made their way out. I didn't want to separate....But, it was too good to last for I needed air. 

Pulling away, I caught my breath before rubbing my nose against his, flashing a genuine smile, "You can't die...I love you.", He protested, confessing his love for me. Tears left my eyes as I sniffled, choking out a small, "I-I love you too...", With a pained smile, Kuro's hand moved up to wipe away my tears, giving me a gentle look.

Our romantic time got interrupted, "It's time.", A voice sounded from next to me. Looking sideways, I saw the black figure with the scythe. Suddenly, I had lack of air as I tried to grasp for it. Kuro noticed and patted my back while shouting, "Everything will be alright!"

Heavily breathing, I tried to form words, but none left my mouth. The need to close my eyes was painfully difficult. I didn't want to give up. Not now. Not ever. 

A ridiculous but worth-a-chance idea popped up in my head as I slowly let one of my hands enter my back pocket, taking out a nice looking pocket watch. With the last bit of my black magic, I cast a spell, "Turn us back in...time..", After that, I broke the pocket watch with my thumb and index finger. Everything turned black. 

---------400 years later----------

It had been years since I had turned back time. I don't know why I ever that, it was clearly taboo! The reason must've been very important to me. If only I could remember....

Right now, I was in the human world, walking through a peaceful park. It was pretty relaxing, since there were surprising, no kids. Looking around, I noticed that in the middle of the park stood a beautiful huge tree. 

Without hesitation, I walked towards it. But, as I grew nearer, I saw that a young man was seated against the tree. But that, of course, did not stop me. Taking a second look, it seemed that he was drawing something. 

Slowly, I sat down next to him, peering over his shoulder. The drawing was rather...inapprotriate. But, it's not like I could say something. I didn't show my distaste as I simply relaxed against the tree, calmly. The young man looked sideways, glancing at me. Luckily, he didn't mind my presence for he turned back to his drawing. 

After some minutes, he began a conversation with me, "I haven't seen you around here before.."

"That's because this is my first time here.", I responded, not sparing him a glance, "But by the peace, I'll probably be here a lot."

"Then I'll be seeing you often. I'm Kuro Honda, don't forget that.", He introduced. It took everything in me to not laugh at his last name. 

Introducing myself as well, I spoke, "I'm (M/n) (L/n)."


Umm, so who should I do next? Hope you enjoyed this one tho even if it was a little rushed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now