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(M/n) POV

I awoke by someone shaking me, grudgingly. I looked next to me and saw Gabriel smiling my way, "We've arrived.", He spoke, nervously. Yawning, I stretched myself. 

"Oh yeah, you'll be joining our school.", I reminded, still a little tired. 

"I know...", He said, twirling a little with his fingers, making it obvious that he was nervous. 

"There's nothing to be nervous about, I'll protect you.", I reassured, putting one of my hands on top of his left leg. He smiled again, muttering a small 'thanks'. 

"Are you two lovebirds done talking?", I heard someone ask in a mocking tone, I turned to look at the window and noticed Elizabeta grinning at us, making a hand motion to the school. Sighing, I opened the car door from my side and made my way out, Gabriel following behind me. 

In the distance, I could hear Emma whispering to the girls about how much she 'ships' us, 'Ugh, I'll never understand girls...', I thought to myself. Looking up, I glared at the huge colourful school full of vampires. 

'How can one part of an Academy be this big!?', I thought, only now realising. 

"Umm, so...", Gabriel said, still a tiny bit nervous. I interlocked his hand with mine and gave him a reassuring smile, "We're going to the headmaster's office, now. He's ok, no worries.", I told him. He gulped and closed his eyes for a bit before opening them again, looking at me with a new found fire in his eyes. 

"Let's go.", He said with a sudden confidence. 

Grinning, we both started walking. A witch and a human in a school full of vampires. Ignoring the odd looks, we kept on walking. I saw a few vampires let out their fangs when they smelled Gabriel's blood, I simply send them a death glare in response, as if daring them to try anything. 


We made it in front of the headmaster's office after a while, taking a deep breath before knocking, "Come in.", A deep voice sounded from inside of the room. Slowly, I opened the door, revealing Gabriel and me. The headmaster looked up and smiled at me, but that smile quickly turned into a frown once he saw Gabriel. He sighed while holding his head in his hands, letting his bangs cover most of his face. 

"What's the meaning of this?", He groaned out, before sitting up straight again and giving me a stern look. 

"I want him to join. I don't care if he's human.", I said, fiercely. 

"Human? He's not---", He cut himself off before giving a loud chuckle, "Alright then...He may join.", He finished, smirking at Gabriel. 

"Yay!", I cheered, hugging Gabriel whose face turned red. 

---Very tiny time skip---

After the principal gave us everything we had to know about Gabriel's stay, we left his office. After a tiny discussion, I was able to have Gabriel in the same classes as me. At the moment, I was planning to make my way to my dorm with Gabriel (since there were no more rooms available at the boys' dorm) and finally hold my besom again. It's been so long! I then planned on going to the Werewolf part of the Academy, to bid Allen a small hi. 

"So, with who will you be staying again?", I asked Gabriel. I wasn't really paying attention to that part. 

"Umm...I have no roommate.", He answered, relief lacing his voice. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now