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(M/n) POV

I awoke by Elizabeta shaking me. Groaning, I sat up while asking, "What do you want?"

"It's school, dummy.", She responded, a yawn leaving her lips. I let out another groan, frowning. Finally getting up, I made my way to the bathroom before realising something, "Elizabeta, my uniform got torn apart. I need a new one."

"I'll talk to the principal. You can go without the uniform today, maybe.", She replied, dressing into her uniform. Opening the bathroom door, I entered. I looked into the mirror, noticing how awful I looked. My hair was sticking out and my face just looked like death itself. Tearing my gaze away from the mirror, I splashed some water on my face. After that, I undressed, watching my body through the mirror. I looked pretty (feminine/neither/masculine) and was (curvy/lean). 

I walked towards the shower, entering and closing the blinds beside me. I turned the shower on (hot/cold) and relaxed as I felt the water rush down my body. It felt nice. I closed my eyes and started to think about everything I had been through by now, it all just felt unreal. I, out of everyone, had to go through this. It could've been worse....But it also could've been better. Opening my eyes again, I glared at the wall in front of me. I didn't know why, but I felt..strange. It was the feeling you get when you know that something is wrong or going wrong. Before I knew it, the awful headache was back, pounding against my head. I almost screamed out 'cause of the pain but clenched my teeth. I pounded my fist against the wall, trying to ease my pain. It felt terrible. I blacked out for a second before coming back to my senses, feeling the pain slowly fade away. I breathed heavily, trying to calm down. 

"I better get used to this...", I muttered, getting out of the shower and grabbing a towel. Looking back at the mirror, I realised that I looked far better than when I woke up, 'Jeez, the things water can do...'

I opened the bathroom door and exited, noticing that Elizabeta had already left. I made my way towards my closet, seeing the dress Flavio made. I ignored it, grabbing a plain shirt and knee-length shorts; before turning back again. 

'Why is this stupid dress attracting me...?', I thought, glaring at it.

'Maybe....Just maybe, I can wear it?-----', I quickly snapped out of it and cursed at my stupidity, 'Of course not, you dumbass! I'm a guy, for fuck's sake....But still...', I started to have a battle with my thoughts. In the end, I decided to go for the dress while I silently cursed at myself. 

"I always make the dumbest decisions but, ", I grinned as I grabbed my besom, "Fuck it."

I made my way towards my door and opened it, coming face to face with Gabriel who seemed like he was about to knock, "Hey.", I greeted. 

"Umm, yeah, hey.", He greeted back, awkwardly. 

"Ready for your first day at school~?", I asked, mockingly.

"Obviously not. I mean, I'm literally shaking!", He pointed out, giving me an are-you-serious look. 

I grabbed his shoulders and reassured, "Relax! We'll be having our classes together, nothing can happen."

He looked sideways while biting his lips, seeming to be in thought. He looked back to me and gave me a determined look, "I can do this."

"That's the spirit!", I yelled, shaking him by his shoulders, "Well, we should probably get to school."

"Yeah.", He agreed. With that, the two of us started walking. We conversated for a bit, talking about the awful classes and teachers which only made him nervous again. He also noticed what I was wearing, but I simply shrugged him off. The two of us finally made it to the lobby, seeing at least ten girls there; two of them being Natalia and Emma. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now