Almost devoured

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(M/n) POV

I looked out of the window as I silently groaned. At the moment, this was my last class but it was going at an incredibly slow pace. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall...Still, 20 minutes to go.

Sadly, I didn't have Lovino or Lili in any of the classes I was in today. But I know that I'll be talking to them once this shitty class is over. The teacher complains way too much and always sticks her nose in other people's business. 

I still didn't have any books, they still had to make and copy some for me. So, I had nothing to doodle on. Seeing that the teacher wasn't looking and I had a desk in front of me, I doodled on it. My drawing skills weren't the best, but not the worst either. Right now, I was drawing a dead flower in a field of beautiful breathing flowers. 

The person sitting next to me looked at it with a confused look, "That's some good artwork, da?", the guy said as he towered over me, while still sitting. I just 'hm'd at him and looked at the clock.

"10 minutes...", I muttered, but it was loud enough for the teacher to hear.

"What's that, young man? It seems like you're not that interested in class.", she said with a scoff as she crossed her arms, while I gave her a blank look.

"Woman, could you kindly shut up?", I asked her as nice as I could. 

"Alright then...", she started searching for something on her desk. She finally found the object and gave it to me. It turned out to be a detention slip.

"Detention.", she told me as she walked back to the front of the class and started teaching again. 

"Ugh..", I groaned, hearing the students laugh. I gave them a death glare, making them shut their mouth.

After a while, the bell rang. I quickly sat up and hurriedly left the classroom, running to where I guess was 'detention'. I looked through my map, trying to find the class that holds detention on Tuesday. 

"Ragazzo, wait!", I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around and saw Lovino running towards me at full vampire speed. I gave him a small smile as he stopped in front of me, panting a bit.

"Let's hang out.", he told me as he was about to drag me away before I waved the detention slip all over his face.

"Oh....", he said with a disappointed face.

"I'm supposed to go to the detention classroom, but~", I said as I stopped waving the detention slip all over Lovino's face and instead, grabbed it with both of my hands and tore it.

"---I don't wanna~", I continued with a smirk. 

He smirked back as he held my hand again and dragged me off. I saw his cheeks had a little bit of pink on it, but I shrugged it off. We were about to exit the building, till...

"Witch!", I heard a very familiar voice yell...

I internally groaned as I turned around with a pissed off face, letting go of Lovino's hand, "What...?", I asked the teacher who gave me the detention slip.

"I see. Trying to escape detention, huh?", she asked with a scoff, "I guess I'll have to make you stay another hour in detention.", she added while I gave another internal groan. 

"No, Ms ___. It was me who dragged him off.", Lovino said as he stood up for me.

"Oh well, that's easy. Both of you, 2 hours detention.", she said with a smirk as she guided us both to the detention room. I looked at Lovino with an apologetic look, while he just smiled at me with a reassuring look. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now