~Oliver ENDING~

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(M/n) POV

I saw Oliver, holding a large kitchen knife. He seemed to have slashed with it through the guy's skull, resulting in his quick death. My eyes widened, shocked that the sweet Oliver would actually murder someone in cold blood. 

"O-Oliver...", I called out, softly. 

"Shh, (M/n), it's going to be alright.", He reassured, looking at my gaping wound. I hissed when his hand accidentally brushed against it, "Put pressure on it, so you won't bleed out.", He demanded, highly concerned. He then was about to tear off a part of his clothes, but I stopped him. 

"No, it's alright.", I told him. Of course, I knew it wasn't alright at all. I was dying and he couldn't save me even if he tried. 

"Do you call that okay, poppet?", He questioned, raising his voice while it cracked a bit. 

"Oliver...I'm going to die.", I stated, bluntly. I had to go straight to the point, to not give him hope that wouldn't reach him anywhere, "Sometimes despair is stronger than hope."

"What are you saying, love? You won't die, silly!", He denied, trying to laugh his pain away. He tried to keep up his positive attitude, but he was failing rather quickly. 

"Oliver...", I put one of my hands on his cheek, gently whispering, "I'm not going to make it.", With that, he broke down crying as he pounded his fists against the ground.

I saw blood building up on his knuckles, so I tried to move forward and stop him but my wound started aching painfully badly by the single movement. Moving back, I whispered out to him, "Ollie...Stop, you're hurting yourself..."

He didn't stop. Instead, he kept on chanting 'why' to the Gods above. I hated seeing him like this, 'Where did my cupcake loving crush go?', I thought to myself, saddened. 

"Oliver, please..", I called out again, hoping that my voice would reach him. After a bit, he quieted down, looking at the ground with nothing but sadness. 

"Oliver?", I tried to get his attention, hissing as my wound started to sting. 

He looked up at me with a heartbroken face, tears kept on streaming out of it. His once beautiful blue eyes with mesmerising pink swirls were now dull blue eyes. He almost looked lifeless. 

"Oliver?", I tried again, hoping for a response this time. 

Sniffling a bit, he answered, "Y-Yes, dear....?", His voice was full of cracks as his lips curled up. 

"I want to get one thing out of my chest...Or in other words, back in it..", I began, ignoring the pain of my wound as I leant forward, my lips almost meeting Oliver's. 

"From the first day we met, you have captured my heart. In return, I want yours.", I confessed, cheesily. Not waiting for him to respond, I pushed my lips against his, fully kissing him. He was too shocked to kiss back, so I took the lead. I slung my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, ignoring the massive wound I had that was stinging like crazy right now. The only thing I paid attention to was Oliver and his wondrous lips. In no time, I lost my dominance when Oliver started to kiss back, holding me in his arms. The kiss lasted like forever, in a good way. I felt sparkles surrounding me as if we were in a cliché movie or a fanfiction. 

But, sadly, oxygen was needed, so we separated from each other's lips. He still held me in his arms, though. Looking at him through my eyelashes, I wiped his tears away with my thumb. Weirdly enough, the new ones were tears of joy. 

Leaning back, Oliver gave me a quick peck and pulled away while confessing, "I love you too, (M/n)!", His positive self back, hugging me tightly, forgetting about my wound as I hissed. 

From next to us, I heard a low voice announce, "It's time.", Confused, I looked up and saw the black figure with the scythe. I let out a loud shriek as I felt my wound aching like it hadn't before, it was so terribly painful. 

"Poppet!? Are you alright!? Hang in there!", Oliver yelled, laying me on my back as he looked at me with a face full of panic. I tried to speak, but all that came out were gurgling noises, choking on my blood. Oliver quickly rolled me to my side, letting me throw up the blood that was begging to leave my body. When I finished and felt incredibly lightheaded, Oliver quickly rolled me back onto my back as he held onto my hand tightly, sobbing. 

With that, I decided that it was my time. It was my time to die. I slowly closed my eyes while Oliver started shouting things like 'Please, (M/n), wake up'. Somehow, I didn't feel complete. Like something was missing. 

'Isn't it my time?', I questioned, everything became a bit blurry. 

'Wait....That's it! Time!', I thought, trying my best to stay conscious even though it hurt so much. Still having my eyes closed, I whispered, "Bring...us b-back in t-time..", I suddenly felt a strong wind pushing through me and everything went dark. 

---------------400 years later----------------

Many years had passed since I had turned back time. I didn't exactly remember why, but I must've done it for a reason. Luckily, I didn't get caught for doing so. Thinking about what might've happened sent shivers down my spine. 

Right now, I was in the human world, looking for a peaceful place to enjoy some nice pastries. I had been looking for thirty minutes already and every baking shop had been shit. About to give up, I turned around and was about to walk off, but smelled something incredibly delicious. Stopping dead in my tracks, I sniffed the air a little like some weirdo. 

I turned back around, passing the corner and noticing that the smell came from a pink pastry shop. Looking at it in awe, I decided to enter it. Immediately, a wave of warm and welcoming air engulfed me. It was amazing. There weren't many people, which I found sad. This pastry shop deserved more people just by the appearance, already. 

Walking towards the cashier, I took a full look off the young looking man, before ordering, "I would like two cupcakes, please."

With a Cheshire smile, the cashier responded, "Well, don't you just look lovely. Would you like the take it with you or stay here?"

"I'd like to stay here. The pastry shop itself is pretty welcoming, sir.", I complimented, politely. 

"Such a polite young man~! Which two cupcakes were you hoping for?", He questioned as I simply smirked. 

"Give me the best you got.", I dared, playfulness in my eyes. I might be single, but I'm still ready to mingle. 


I had just now finished the two cupcakes, I had devoured them immediately the moment I got them. Quietly moaning to myself, I questioned why I've never heard of this pastry job before. It was the best! 

Ready to pay, I walked back towards the young man, putting one of my hands in my pocket, so I could take out some money. Getting out a five, I was about to give it to him but he gently declined, "No, keep it. It was a pleasure to have you~ Instead, I would like your name.", I would almost say that he was flirting. 

"(M/n) (L/n).", I introduced, unsure. 

"Nice to meet you, (M/n). I'm Oliver Kirkland~"


Agh, he's so OOC. But whatever, I'm just entertaining y'all. Anyway, hope you enjoyed oh and also, Canada is next. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now