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(M/n) POV

The three of us were now sitting on the surface again, gazing at the waterfall, "That was fun.", I spoke, tiredly. The two nodded at me, giving me a small smile. I looked at the sky and noticed that it was already evening, meaning I'd been here for a while now. 

Standing up, soaked, I announced, "It's getting late, I should get back to my part of the Academy.", I noticed disappointed looks on their faces as they also stood up. 

"You're right.", Allen replied, "We'll bring you to your dorm."

"Nah, you don't have to. I can go on my own. Plus, I got my besom.", I stated, picking my besom up. 

"Alright...", He responded. He opened his mouth to say something else but quickly shut it, "I'm going to my dorm.", He finally said after a small silence. 

"Okay, I'll be going.", I sat on my besom, watching Allen turn into his werewolf form and blasting off. I was about to fly away, till a hand on my arm stopped me. I gave a surprised shriek before realising that it was only Luciano. He stared at me with a soft gaze, his grip on my arm tightening.

Narrowing my eyes, I informed, "Umm, Luciano, I got places to----", I was silenced by his soft lips pressing on mine as his free hand moved towards the back of my head, pressing me closer. I was too shocked to move or to say anything. Instead, I only let his lips move against mine. His lips tasted metallic but sweet, which I found ridiculous for a werewolf. His grip on my arm slowly loosened as he moved his hand around my waist, pulling me closer and almost making me fall off of my besom. Only when I felt his tongue trying to invade my wet cavern, I pulled away, flustered. Luciano tried to dive in again, but I stopped him by placing a single finger on his mouth, "I need to go.", I stated, still a little surprised by the sudden gentle kiss. 

"Fine, bello...", He spoke, moving my finger away to give me a tiny peck on the cheek. With that, he turned into his werewolf form and blasted off just like Allen did. 

I stood there, dumbfounded, 'What the hell just happened?'

I adjusted myself on my besom again, having slipped a bit of when Luciano pulled me closer. I wiped my lips a bit and decided to finally fly away, till...

"What a show, bello~", I heard someone applause from the woods, making me widen my eyes, 'Someone was watching!?'

A figure moved from behind a tree and out of the darkness, showing a guy with fake blonde hair. He walked towards me while I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "You must be the witch that everyone's going crazy about~ Even my own fratello!", He dramatically placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes, "Such a beauty.", He complimented, awwing. 

Moving backwards, he struck a pose while introducing himself, "Ciao, handsome. I'm Flavio Vargas~", He almost sang. I noticed that he had the same last name as Luciano, meaning that they had to be related. 

"Nice.", I responded, getting ready to fly off but got stopped by him. 

"Not so fast! You need to introduce yourself as well.", He pouted, whining. 

"Fine, I'm (M/n).", I introduced, rolling my eyes. He smiled, satisfied. But his smile soon turned into a look of disgust as he eyed down my clothes. 

"Oh my god! What are you wearing!?", He yelled at me, a look of disbelief on his face. 

I frowned at his rudeness before sighing, "I know...They don't have proper witch clothes here, only for peasants.", I replied. 

"Well, aren't you just lucky that I'm good at designing~", He sang, happily. 

"...Can't this wait until tomorrow?", I reasoned, tired. 

"No.", He stated, grabbing my arm and dragging me off, I almost dropped my besom. 

After a long while of walking, we made it to a huge dorm, "Is this the boys' dorm?", I asked him, looking at the dorm where at least hundreds of male werewolves slept in. 

"Yup! Don't worry, we're going to the attic AKA my design place.", He informed, dragging me inside. I passed many male students that were eyeing me up, some even shivering in fear. 

Realising something, I asked him, "Doesn't designing take a few days or so?", I asked him. 

He chuckled before responding, "Hun, my power as a werewolf is designing. I'm sure I can finish it in a few hours.", Confidence lacing his voice. 

After we walked up a lot of stairs, we finally made it to the attic and I awed at the sight. Everywhere were beautiful suits and dresses, seeming to all be for royalty. But sadly, none were witch clothes. 

"(M/n), I need your measurements.", He said, creeping up to me. Slowly, I moved backwards while he moved forwards. 

'Crap.', I cursed in my mind. 


It was now 2 AM, at least five hours had passed. I was sitting on the couch, forbidden to look at Flavio's design before he was done. I groaned, bored out of my mind. It had been 8 hours!, 'If I stay here any longer, I'll die!', I thought, dramatically. 

A few minutes passed before I heard, "Done!", He cheered. 

"Can I turn around now?", I questioned, getting awfully tired. 

"Yup!", I turned around, my jaw dropping at the sight. It was beautiful, but there was something off about it....

"DO YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR THAT!?", I roared, angry 'cause I wasted my time for hours. 

He simply giggled, waving the dress around while looking a bit pissed off, "Appreciate my work, bitch."

"NO!", I yelled, dashing for the door but got stopped by him.


"I'm so going to kill you.", I told him, giving a look of disgust at the dress I was wearing. It truly was an amazing dress and it was black! But I'm a male, for fuck's sake. Although, I do like the nice cape...

Flavio smirked, taking pictures of me while I glared at him, "I'm going to my dorm.", I stated, moving towards the stairs. Before he could say anything, I was gone. 

I flew past lots of hallways and stairs. Suddenly, a dorm room opened right in front of me, making me not able to stop in time and bumping against it, making me fall to the ground. 

"What the hell?", I heard a familiar Italian voice say. The door closed again, revealing Luciano and his crew looking down at me. 

"(M/n), I thought you left? What are you doing here? What are you wea---", I cut Luciano off by giving a pained groan. He was about to help me up before Kuro beat him to it, "Thanks..", I thanked before blasting off, not listening to the sounds of protests. 

One thought popped up in my mind, 'I need to get the hell out of here.'


Another chapter! It's short, anyway. I still hope you enjoyed, cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now