~Allen ENDING~

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(M/n) POV

I saw Allen, holding a bat. He seemed to have hit the man against his skull, resulting in his quick death. I was so glad that he was here, I wouldn't want to think about what the man would've done to me. Not that it matters....With this massive wound, there's a high chance of death. His eyes widened at my wound as he kneeled down next to me. 

"I'll get you to the infirmary!", He yelled, motioning for me to put pressure on my wound so I won't bleed out. I waved my hand around, giving him a weak smile. 

"You know this is the end for me.", I told him, pointing at my enormous wound as I coughed a little. 

"Don't say that! Y-You'll make it out alive!", He tried to reason, even though I saw the hope fade in his eyes. 

"So stubborn...", I mocked, wincing a little. 

"S-Stop joking around....", He cried, holding my hand, "This is all just a stupid nightmare!"

"I wish.", I spoke, softly, "But, there's one last thing I-I have to do...", With that, I grabbed onto Allen's jacket and pulled him down, so our lips met. He was too shocked to do anything, so I was the only one that was moving my lips, gently. I put one of my hands on his left cheek and deepened the kiss, wanting him to know every emotion that was rushing through my body. 

Pulling away, I whispered, "I love you, Al.", Only then did he snap out of his shock. I noticed him cry tears of joy and pain as he spoke in hiccups, "I-I love you too! I l-love you so much...", With a weak smile, I pulled him down to meet my lips again. This time, his lips moved with me. It was rough, but I enjoyed it. His hand moved to the back of my head, deepening the kiss. We separated a bit for air, but then our lips met again. I didn't feel like ending it, I just want him to hold me forever. 

After a while, I winced a bit, my wound aching. Allen noticed and he pulled away from the kiss, holding me in his arm as I started coughing, "I'm scared..", I confessed, closing my eyes and opening them again. 

"I-I'ts okay....I-It's all going to be okay..", He reassured as one of his teardrops landed on my face. 

"Keep on telling yourself that..", I mocked, I tried to laugh but I ended up coughing. He didn't respond, he just gave me a small frown. 

He looked up at the sky and spoke, "You know, you're very special to me...I'm a cold-blooded monster, but you still hung out with me...Why? Why do you always make me feel so accepted? W-Why did I fall for you so hard...?", He cried, but he kept on looking at the sky as if he was blaming the Gods. I tried to respond, but nothing came out. 

When, suddenly, I heard a voice say, "It's time.", looking next to me, I saw the black figure with the scythe. Allen didn't seem to have heard or seen him. I stared at it, feeling my heartbeat decrease.

Allen looked down at me as he harshly started shouting my name, shaking me. Slowly, everything faded into darkness as my eyes closed and Allen's shouts became a blur. 


I was in a dark place, I couldn't see or feel or even hear anything. It was just dark and there was nobody. Confused, I stood up and yelled, "Is there anyone!?", I walked around, still nothing. 

But as I kept on walking, I noticed that in the distance I saw a tiny light. Running towards it, the light became bigger and bigger as various shouts came from it, yelling my name. As I came closer to the light, I noticed the black figure standing in front of it. 

Standing in front of him, I questioned, "Where am I?"

"You're nowhere, child.", It answered in a voice that sent shivers down my spine. 

"Lies! Tell me!", I yelled, not believing him. 

"You're between life and death.", It told me. Suddenly, everything came back. Every memory....Allen. From behind the black figure, I noticed four other figures stepping forward, but they were familiar.

"Dad? Mum? (S/n)? (B/n)?", I questioned, confused out of my mind. 

"Join us. We've been waiting.", They spoke, reaching a hand out. Feeling tears build up in my eyes, I was about to step into the light but stopped when I heard someone calling my name in the distance. 

I stepped backwards, shaking my head, "No. It's not my time."

"You can't decide that.", The black figure, getting agitated. 

"I can....Watch me.", I said, grabbing a watch from my pocket. 

"Time...", I spoke, watching their eyes widen and the black figure stepping forward.

"TURN US BACK IN TIME!", I yelled, breaking the watch with my thumb. Black smoke started to surround us while I grinned mischievously. 

"I win.", I spoke, a smirk on my face. 

-------------400 years later---------------

It had been years since I had turned back time. I didn't remember why, but the reason must've been important. I had separated the witches and the humans so nothing bad could happen, like a war or something. Right now, I was headed to a grocery store, because my sister wanted to go on a diet and wanted me to bring some vegetables home. I didn't get why she wanted to go on a diet, she's skinny. 

When I made it to the grocery store in the human world, I noticed a young man cursing to himself, "Stupid Matt....He knows I don't fucking like meat...Shitface.", He kept on muttering things as he grabbed some vegetables. 

"You got a sharp tongue.", I mocked, also getting some vegetables that were listed on the grocery list I was holding.

He raised an eyebrow at me before speaking, "I haven't seen you around here before, doll."

"That's because I don't come here often.", I explained, focused on the vegetables, "But it seems like I will have to now since my sister's on a diet."

"The name's Allen. Remember that, because you'll be screaming it tonight.", He introduced with a stupid pickup line. I've heard that plenty times, already. 

"I'm (M/n) and I doubt it.", I introduced back, putting all the vegetables I needed into a bag and walking towards the cashier, paying for it. 

I then walked back towards the young man, writing something on a card and giving it to him before flirting back, "But, maybe someday."


I decided to make Allen's ending also today, I had fun writing it. The next one will be Luciano, btw. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now