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Very far away from the humans, was a village. But not a normal one, this village was full of witches. Sweet ones, evil ones, weird ones, etc.

But there was one family of witches that stood out the most, that were the (L/n)'s. Witches to not mess with...They used dark magic AKA black magic.

A magic that was clearly forbidden in the witch world, but that was what made the witches fear them. Stepping up to the (L/n) family was clearly mental

Since nobody ever came to visit them or even bid them a simple 'hello' without running away in fright, they were a very lonely family. They never completely understood why dark magic made them seem like bad people. They were witches like the others, but they just used another sort of magic.

The family consisted of a mother and three children. The four of them all had a dark circle on a part of their body, showing they use dark magic. 

The mother looked absolutely stunning, she had the darkest of (Random/c) hair and the most fearful eyes you'd ever see. She was dressed in all black. A black dress, black heels and a black Witch Hat. Apart from her looks, she had the sweetest personality. All though, if someone pissed her off, she wouldn't mind using black magic against them. Ignoring that, she truly was beautiful on the outside and on the inside. 

Then there was (Brother/n), he was the oldest of the three children. But still...Not the most mature. He loves teasing his little brother and sister, using as many pranks on them as possible. Even though he's known for being immature, he can get serious when he wants to. He had used his black magic countless of times before on bullies, assholes and just plain rude people. About his looks, he's also dressed in all black. His eyes were pretty much the same as his mother, all though his hair colour was slightly different.

Moving on to (Sister/n), the middle child of the family. She was known for being a very lovely, bubbly and nice young lady. Everyone knew that, but nobody dared to talk to her. 'Cause once she's pissed off, she'd murder anyone in her path. But that rarely happens.... Moving on to her looks, her hair was a lighter shade than her mother and brother's hair. Her eyes were shiny, you'd get lost in them if you stared for too long. 

Then, of course, there was (M/n). He was the youngest of the three children, but not that young to be considered a child. He would come off as rude sometimes, or just plain mean. But on the inside, he's a softy. What (M/n) was known for other than his rude personality, was his looks. He had the brightest (H/c) hair and his eyes were completely mesmerising. His skin was softer than any skin they've ever felt and his body is what everyone made them love him even more. He would always hear people say 'If he wasn't so rude, I'd approach him.' and 'Shame, such a good looks with that personality...', instead of his brother who would've jumped them, (M/n) would just continue what he was doing. Not paying any mind to 'the lower class'.

At the moment, (M/n) was in the garden looking at the beautiful black roses he adored. His father planted them before he passed away and (M/n) promised to take good care of them. That's why he's 24/7 in the garden. 

"(M/n)! (M/n), sweetie! Where are you!?", he heard his mother call out to him. He groaned a bit, he didn't like being disturbed when he's in the garden.

"I'm in the garden!", he yelled out. 

Soon enough, loud footsteps started coming his way. He looked behind him and saw his mother and siblings running at full speed towards him. 

"What the hell?", he muttered under his breath, so his mother wouldn't hear 'cause she hated it when someone cursed. Suddenly, his mother grabbed him by the wrist and started running through the garden, his siblings following behind them.

"What's the big idea, heh!?", (M/n) asked, confused and pissed off. 

After a while, they stopped running and they all panted. The mother held (M/n) by his shoulders and bend down to his slightly bent down to his level. 

"Honey, we need to run...I can't explain it to you right now----", she got cut off by voices that were growing closer.

"I FOUND MORE DISGUSTING SCUMS! BURN THEM!", an old man said with a stick with fire on it. 

(M/n) didn't feel like there was a need that this situation had to be explained, he already understood....The humans have found the witches...He guessed that everyone was dead by now and they were the only witches that were left. The family of four immediately started running, (M/n) took one glance at the scene behind him and saw the humans burning down the beautiful roses and the house he has lived in for centuries. 

"Mum! Why don't we fucking fight them!? We're stronger!", (M/n) questioned. His mother narrowed her eyes at her youngest child for cursing, she wanted to answer him but got cut off by her oldest child.

"Because they're immune to our magic, dipshit. Before you ask, no, we don't know how. They made a potion or something to make them immune.", (B/n) said, while running slightly in front of them. (M/n) frowned, hating the feeling of being powerless.

They finally made it to the 'Fly path', that's the place where all the besoms are held in the case of emergencies. The family of four quickly took the besom that was destined for me. (M/n) saw that his family didn't take their besom. 

"What are you guys waiting for...?", (M/n) said, already flying a little above the ground on his besom.

"W-We'll hold them back, darling...Please, honey, escape!", my mother said while giving me a hug full of love. She had tears streaming down her face, while he felt his building up.

"We can't let you die...for reasons that you will find out.", his brother said while focusing on the path, looking if some of the humans are approaching. 

(M/n) wasn't dumb, he knew when to not push it. He didn't know why he should've been the one to survive, but he agreed even though he didn't want to.

He felt the tears pricking in his eyes, begging to fall down. When he heard human screams he gave his family one last hug and slowly flew away.

After a while of flying, he looked behind him one more time, only to see his family brutally being burned by the cruel humans. The tears he tried to keep in, slowly fell down his cheeks. He quickly looked back in front of him.

After a few hours passed, while He was still flying. He started to feel rather lightheaded, feeling like he might pass out any second now. He tried to keep his eyes open, with no vain. He passed out and fell down from the sky.

A certain German who was looking for his Italian friend who skipped training again, saw something falling down the sky. As he looked closer, he saw it was a human. 

He immediately started running at the speed of light and caught the person before he fell to his dead. He took a quick look at the person's features, to see that it was a male. The male seemed to be wearing Witch clothes. 

'...A witch? What is a witch doing here?', he asked himself and started walking towards his special 'school', with the young male in his arms. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now