~Gabriel ENDING~

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(M/n) POV

I saw Gabriel with a knife in his right hand, seeming to have slashed the guy through his skull. I looked at him with watery eyes as I held my massive wound. I wanted to beg for him to help me, but no words came out. They were stuck in my throat, and the pain became just too much. 

Gabriel dropped to his knees, right beside. He looked at my wound, "I-It's going to be okay. I-I'll get you out of here!", He yelled, trying to pick me up. I stopped him with one arm, letting out a wince. 

I put one of my bloody hands on his right cheek while he looked at me with tears in his eyes, "There's no way I'll survive this....You know it.", I saw his lips curl up, seeming to be ready to cry, "Hush.", I whispered again, wiping falling tears off of his face. 

"I don't want you to die! Please, you're everything I have!", He yelled at me, putting one of his hands on my hand that held his cheek. If I had to describe him; He looked heartbroken, helpless and pathetic. But, most likely I as well. In no time, the tears that I was holding in were now streaming out of my eyes. 

"I love you too...", I softly whispered with a gasp. I noticed his eyes widen in confusion when he made out the words that fell out of my mouth. 

Without waiting for him to respond, I explained, "I've been thinking a l-lot about your confession. I know it now; I love you.", I gave him a weak smile, watching his face lit up with slight pain in it. 

I tried to lean up to give him a small kiss, but a sudden pain rang through my body just by the movement. Gabriel, seeing how desperate I was for the kiss, leaned down and kissed me. Our lips moved against each other, it was rough but still a little soft. It was like a kiss that shows you how much they love you, but also a goodbye kiss. I didn't dare separate from the kiss, I was too into it. I felt free and happy, even though I was about to die. But, I would see my family and I'm glad for that. Our lips kept on moving, till I started coughing blood. I quickly separated, coughing a bit more. Gabriel looked at me, pained. There was nothing he could do and he knew it. I gave him a genuine smile, hiding my pain. 

"Don't do that....Please....", He told me, frowning. 

"Please, don't smile like everything's fine!", He yelled, beginning to sob as he held his hands in front of his face. 

I laughed a bit but stopped when I started to cough blood again, "Would you rather have me frowning when I die?"

"No...No, you're not going to d-die!", It seemed like he was trying to assure himself more than me. 

Letting out a sigh, I pulled him down again to meet my lips. This time, it was a pained kiss. The movement of our lips was slow and weak. We knew this is the end for me, so we put all our emotions in this kiss. I wanted it to last longer, I wanted it to last forever. But sadly, my eyes grew heavy. I pushed Gabriel, softly away. 

On the side where Gabriel wasn't, I saw the black figure with the scythe standing there, looking down at me, "It's time.", It announced. 

I noticed Gabriel looking at the figure in horror, his mouth agape, "Please, no! NOT NOW! I'M BEGGING OF YOU! D-Don't take him.....Please...", He started off loud but in the end, it became just a whisper. But, I saw it much more than that. In my eyes, it was a scream for help. A scream I couldn't make. I felt my eyes grown heavier, hearing shouts for everywhere. I heard pained howls, vampire screeching. I caused all this chaos. People were dying out there and it was my fault. Loved ones and friends are all battling for me. 

My eyes automatically closed when I became too tired, I felt my heartbeat slowly decrease. I knew I was dying. But, I can't just let this all happen. 

An idea popped up in my hand, even though it was taboo. I whispered in a soft tone as Gabriel kept on begging the figure to stop, "....time..."

I coughed a bit and tried again, "Bring....u-us....back in...tim..e!", I whispered out, watching black magic surrounding everything. Softly, I closed my eyes and let the darkness surround me. 

"I win.", I said before drifting into unconsciousness. 

----------400 years later-------------

It had been years since I turned back time. Why? I don't remember. Everything was a faded blur. But, I do remember that I had to make sure the witches and humans never lived together. And it worked. I was now in the human world, chilling around a bit. Nobody knew I was a witch by the commoners' clothes I was wearing. My parents had told me to enjoy myself in this town, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't know where my sister was headed to, but I bet it was to a makeup shop while my brother most likely went to a video game shop. 

I didn't really want to buy anything, I just wanted some peace. In the distance, I noticed a beautiful flower field. I immediately ran towards it, wondering if there were any roses there. I could paint them black then. 

I was now in the flower field, looking around me in awe. It was a pretty beautiful place and I loved it. I should come here more often, this seems like the perfect place to have some peace. Laying on a bunch of flowers, I looked up at the mesmerising blue sky and the white clouds. Too caught up staring, I didn't notice a figure coming closer. 

Till I heard a cough from behind me. Sitting up and turning around, I looked at the young man who stood in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he interrupted me. 

"I've never seen you around here. This is usually my place, you know.", He laughed, sitting next to me. 

"Are you throwing me out?", I mocked, my eyebrow raising even higher. 

"No, I'm not that nice. I was thinking of roasting you and having you as a nice dinner.", He mocked back, still laughing. 

"Very funny.", I said, rolling my eyes, "I'm (M/n), btw.", I introduced, smiling a bit. 

"You have a nice name. I'm Gabriel."


Allen is next, btw. I hope you enjoyed Gabriel's ending. I told you it wouldn't end bad because I did so in the last one SORRY. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now