~Lovino ENDING~

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(M/n) POV

I saw Lovino, holding an axe. He seemed to have slashed through the guy's skull with it, resulting in his quick death. I was paralyzed and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. Another reason is my massive wound. If I tried, I could probably stick my whole hand in it. Not like I ever would....It sounds painful. 

I snapped out of my thoughts as my wound started aching really badly, making me close one of my eyes tightly and hiss out in pain. Lovino noticed this and immediately ran to my side, his jaw dropping as he saw my wound. 

He held my body up, making sure that I wouldn't choke on my blood. Unknown to him, it only worsened the pain. I quickly slapped his hand away, resulting in my head falling back down. It hurt a lot. 

"Agh...", I groaned in affliction, closing my eyes and breathing heavily. 

"(M/n)....I--...Y-You.....You will make i-it!", He tried to encourage, but his voice lacked hope. It was purely dull. I knew that he knew that I was going to die. I would've sat up and embraced him in a loving hug, but I couldn't because of my mountainous laceration. 

Opening my mouth, I choked out a small, "You can't even fool a fool.", I tried to laugh but ended up coughing blood. Lots of blood. I glanced back at Lovino when I finished, noticing how much of a panicked look he had on his face. I would've laughed if it wasn't for the condition I was in. 

Lovino regained his composure, but after a few seconds, he looked ready to cry. I tried to soothe him, "Lovi...Don't cry..", it didn't have seemed to work. In no time, tears flooded out of Lovino's eyes as he started weeping. He looked miserable and disconsolate. I would've felt awkward if I wasn't moribund. 

I reached out my hand to touch his cheek, softly grazing over it before whispering, "Shh...Lovi, please don't cry...", I pleaded, feeling my own tears starting to build up. He didn't seem to heed my words. In fact, his sobs grew louder. 

Having enough, I leant up, ignoring the pain of my wound. And with that, our lips connected. Not giving him time to comprehend the situation, I moved my lips against his, tilting my head for a good angle. The kiss was tender but needy. In no time, he kissed back, holding the back of my head to deepen the kiss. It felt wondrous. I wouldn't dare pull away even if air was begging me to. I almost forgot about our current situation and the pain of my throbbing wound. 

A few moments passed and the two of us still didn't find a reason to depart from in each other. Till, I had to pull away to throw up blood. The sight was pretty horrid. Lovino speedily placed a hand on my back, careful of my wound. He rubbed it around a few times, trying to alleviate my pain. If it weren't for the fact that I value my life and I would live till my very last moment, I would've yelled for him to end my suffering. After I was done, I sat up straight, ignoring my wound again. 

"Where were we?", I questioned, looking Lovino straight in the eyes before a smirk grew on my face, "Oh yeah...", With that, I leant forward again, capturing his lips one more time. This time, it was rough and full of passion and love. Slowly, I slung my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, making our bodies touch and soaking his clothes with my lovely blood. 

Suddenly, a cough interrupted us. So, I departed from Lovino in confusion. He gave me a questioning look, so that means that he didn't seem to have heard it. Looking sideways, towards where I heard the cough come from, I noticed the black figure with the scythe flashing me an uncomfortable look before stating, "It's time."

Out of nowhere, the pain worsened and I felt ready to pass out. Being the impregnable lad I was, I did not admit defeat and tried my hardest to stay conscious. Or other said; alive. 

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now