Battle and escape

851 51 16

(M/n) POV

I was standing here for a while now, watching the two verbally fighting. Many insults and unreached punches were thrown. Thank god that Luciano's friends were there, or else he would've pounced Allen already. I've had the chance to talk to Luciano and Kuro, very unwillingly. But, I haven't really had the chance to hold a casual conversation with the German who I think was called Lutz....Not that I want to. 

Right now, the two were growling at each other, making it clear that they were about to transform into their werewolf form. Unclutching Allen's jacket, I backed off a little, standing next to Matt who looked at the scenario that displayed in front of him boredly. Right on cue, they turned into their werewolf form and without hesitation pounced each other. The two kept on clawing and biting each other that they didn't notice many students standing in a circle around them, cheering them on. It disgusted me. I didn't get why they found it amusing. To me, it was annoying. Every time I entered the Werewolf part of the Academy, a fight happens; 'annoying' is an understatement. But what did I expect? They're werewolves for heaven's sake!

I looked past the werewolves around us and in the distance, I saw the black-wearing man with the scythe again. I started feeling dizzy and uneasy, feeling like passing out any second now. Everything around me began spinning and I felt like I was falling down, hitting the hard pavement. I started breathing heavily as I closed my eyes, feeling hands shaking me and multiple people calling my name. With that, I faded into unconsciousness. 


Many students watched how the witch suddenly collapsed as whispers started to go all around, making the fight stop. The two that were brawling watched with wide eyes as the witch hit the ground, breathing heavily. They quickly turned into their human forms and ran towards him, watching Oliver check his pulse. The Italian and American started shaking the young witch, extremely concerned for his well-being. It even surprised them. 

"(M/n)!", Allen yelled out, lightly slapping the boy's cheeks. 

"He fainted. He needs to be taken to the infirmary, instantly.", Oliver spoke, worried. The whispers around them didn't stop, till it turned into yelling. 

"Hey! Why don't you just devour him, already!? He is weak and at a vulnerable state!", A student yelled in the crowd. Many werewolves started agreeing, making the males that had gotten close to (M/n) growl at them. 

"If you won't, we will!", Another student shouted, growling. Everyone started growling at each other, each wanting to devour the witch. Luciano, his crew, Allen and his friends started getting into fighting stance. With that, a huge fight started between the werewolves. 

After a while, one managed to slip past Oliver who was supposed to protect the witch but got into a fight. The student pounced on the witch, grabbing the young witch's arm, only to scream out bloody murder. He quickly let go of the witch as his arm started burning like crazy and flesh disappeared, leaving a burned down arm. Slowly, the crazy warmth rushed throughout their whole body as every inch of flesh disappeared, as he let out a last cry of pain and then faded into ashes. Everyone watched, shocked and horrified. Their faces held a look of terror as they all started backing away from the witch, some even yelled for a teacher. By now, only (M/n)'s 'friends' were left with him, still shocked. 

"W-What just happened?", Allen gasped out, looking at the ashes of the once male student. 

Oliver got out of his shock and sighed before responding, "Black magic just happened.", making his way over to (M/n), about to pick him up. Allen quickly ran to Oliver and pushed him away, "Do you want to end like...him?", He asked, terrified. 

"Jeez, you silly. We can't get burned if we mean him no harm. You really need to learn more about black magic...", Oliver sighed, moving to pick up (M/n). 

A gasp was heard in the background as Luciano's eyes widened, "B-Black magic!? As in the (L/n) family!? Wait...So he...he...he....", He couldn't get the words out, too shocked. 

"Yes, poppet. Now, if you don't mind, I got to bring him to the infirmary.", Oliver spoke, walking off before speaking again, "Allen, Luciano, don't you dare follow me. You caused enough trouble, already.", He finished with a dangerous tone in his voice. 

That made the two of them think, 'Was it our fault that he passed out...?', They thought to themselves, wondering. Defeated, they let Oliver leave. 


Oliver made it to the infirmary, coughing to get the lady's attention. The lady was quite...Unique. As a werewolf, she held a unique power, which was seeing the undead and soon-to-be-dead. He, himself, had talked to the lady a few times, so when she turned around she gave him a smile, "Oh, hello Oliver. What brings you----", She cut herself off as she saw the young witch in Oliver's arms. 

"He's not supposed to be in this part of the Academy!", She gasped out, surprised. 

"He fainted...", Oliver tried to ignore the woman's last statement, fully knowing that the witch wasn't supposed to be here. The woman sighed, holding her head in frustration before giving in. 

"Alright, place him on the bed.", She told the freckled boy, sternly. Gently, he complied. 

"Now, tell me exactly what happened.", She demanded in a dangerously kind tone, getting a blank note from the desk next to her. 

"W-Well,", Oliver began, getting slightly intimidated, "There was a fight happening---", She interrupted him. 

"What caused it?", She questioned, curiously. 

"Selfish desires.", Oliver replied, a little irritated that he got cut off. Silently, she scribbled it down on the note. With that, he started explaining again, "A crowd started surrounding the two fighters----", He got interrupted, again. 

"Who?", She questioned, again. 

"Allen Jones and Luciano Vargas.", He responded, pissed off. Trying to hide how irritated he was, he continued, "Suddenly, the witch collapsed."

"I see...", She responded, scribbling down on the note again. 

"Alright...I'll take care of him from now on, you're dismissed.", She told the male, not waiting for an answer as she pushed him out. After that, she walked towards the witch, putting a hand on top of his forehead. 

"Poor kid....Soon.", She whispered, pityingly. 


This is a short chapter! Sorry! My laptop broke down and now I'm writing this on a public computer because I hate typing on my phone. But hey, most of the time I was simply lazy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now