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I sighed as I finally gave up, I've been looking for him for hours. I looked at the sky and saw that it was getting pretty dark. The brownhaired lady from beside me must've noticed it aq well, 'cause she was already picking up her stuff.

"Gabriel, right? Could you tell the others to get out of the water? That's enough fun for today.", She asked me. I simply nodded and started walking towards the vampires in the water.

I walked towards the first person in reach, which was the buff German who interrogated (M/n) and I this morning. I noticed the Italian I saw earlier standing at his side. I tried to fight off my blush as I coughed from behind them. They turned around and looked at me.

"Ve~, it's the boy (M/n) brought with him."

The German sighed at his friend and asked me, "Ja?"

"The lady over there--", I pointed at the brownhaired female, "--wanted me to tell you to get out of the water. It's getting dark.", I told him. He looked at the sky and sighed.

"You two can go already, I'll tell the others.", The German told us as he walked away.

"Aww.", Feliciano said as he grabbed my arm and led me towards the cabin as I tried to fight off my blush, again.

We made it there and I opened the door for him, letting him go in first as I followed behind him. As we made it to the living room, my eyes widened at the mess. Bottles of Vodka were laying everywhere and I also saw some glasses laying around. I noticed a tall Russian guy sitting on the couch, smiling at us.

"What the hell happened here...?", I asked, confused.

"Language.", He said, an evil aura surrounding him. Feliciano immediately hid behind me, shivering in fear. I gulped, not trying to make eye contact.

"(M/n) and I were having a little fun.", He answered.

'That explains the amount of bottles.', I thought.

"Could you tell me where he is now?", I asked, staying polite.

"He crawled upstairs.", He told me. I immediately ran upstairs, Feliciano following behind me. We parted as he looked in the boys rooms as I looked in the girls rooms.

"(M/n), where are you?", I asked. No answer. As I passed a room, I heard some giggles coming from it.

Slowly, I opened the door and closed it behind me. What I saw made my jaw drop, "(M/n), what the hell!?", I yelled, confused. (M/n) was standing in front of a mirror and twirling around in a dress. Even though I enjoyed the sight, I don't want anyone else to see him like this.

"Oh h-hey--", He hiccuped, "Gabriel~!", He finished as he tried walking towards me but ends up falling.

I quickly ran towards him, 'He sure is drunk', I thought as I helped him up.

At that moment, the door opened again. "Ve~, Gabriel, I haven't found----", He stopped his sentence as he looked at the scenario in front of him.

"Oh.", He simply said.

"Hey, sexy----", I put my hand on (M/n)'s mouth. It sounds and feels pretty weird to see him and hear him like this. It's like a once in a lifetime chance. That's why I don't want anyone else seeing him like this.

I then heard some laughing and yelling coming from downstairs, 'Seems like the others have returned.', I though as I let out a sigh. I removed my hand from (M/n)'s mouth and picked him up who immediately started talking nonsense and moving his hands around.

'This is going to be a long night....'


Yeah, I know this is very short. Most likely the shortest chapter in the story! But hey, I could care less ;). Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now