Drunk P.2 and a Dream

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(M/n) POV

I let Gabriel pick me up as everything started becoming a bit hazy. I thought I saw something in front of me, so I reached out to it and started talking to it as Gabriel just looked at me with a confused look.

The creature was green and had tiny wings, "Oh, hello there~", I told the creature as Gabriel and I reached our shared room. He gently lay me on my bed as I tried to get back up.

"No, (M/n). You need to rest.", He said as he pushed me back down. I puffed my cheeks out and frowned. I then noticed the creature flying right next to my bed, I looked at it and waved.

"Hello again~", I slurred.

Gabriel held the same look of confusement as earlier. He sighed and walked towards the door, "Sleep. Don't you dare do anything stupid.", He warned. And with that, he left the room.

I immediately sat up and looked at the creature again, "Who are you?", I asked, happily.

"Me?", The creature asked. I nodded and gave a smile, "Yes, you."

The creature did a twirl before saying, "Hi! I'm flying mintbunny!", He introduced, happily.

"Hi~ I'm (M/n).", I introduced.

"I know! Arthur has told me a lot about you.", FMB said as it laughed a bit.

"Oh~ Tell me more.", I said.


I was making my way upstairs, on my way to my shared room. I was completely wet, so I wanted to change.

I was about to pass the room that was right next to mine but heard an all too familiar voice coming from it.

"Well, he told me about how cute you look and about how you lack fear! And he also told me about how you seem so amazingly cool and is jealous of your witch powers----", The all too familiar creature kept on talking as I was about to explode in embarrasment for I knew who he was talking to.

I immediately opened the door as I stormed towards flying mintbunny who was looking at me with a smirk. I quickly hit him on top of the head, to silence him.

"You git! You can't just tell him that!", I yelled, embarrassed. FMB just stuck his tongue out to me.

"Oh, hey Artie~!", I heard the witch---(M/n) say. I was surprised at the tone he used as I turned towards him and immediately blushed.

"What in the bloody hell are you wearing!?", I yelled, trying to fight off my blush.

"What? Don't I look fabulous~?", He asked. I could smell the strong alcohol from his breath and came to the solution that he was drunk.

After some time I realised the alcohol smelled like Vodka. Only one person came into my mind which made me shiver, 'Ivan...'

I quickly pushed (M/n) down on his bed as I tucked him in, "Go to sleep.", I said, softly. And with that, I left the room and stormed downstairs. I ran to the livingroom as I saw mostly everyone drinking and having fun. I grabbed all the alcoholic drinks that were on the table and threw them out.

"Whoa, black sheep! What's the big idea!?", I heard Francis yell as I grabbed his precious wine and also threw it out.

"All of you, put some proper clothes on and no more alcohol for the rest of our vacation.", I told them as I heard many of them groan while I saw others give out a sigh of relief. I walked upstairs with the others following behind me.


I was walking towards my shared bedroom after the eyebrows guy threw all of the alcoholic drinks out, which made me feel relieved.

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now