Chapter 17- Until the end of time. <3

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JuJu's Pov:

As I had laid in a deep sleep, I wondered through my past and watched myself grow. I watched the hard times I went through and all of the good times I had. After that I walked through a forest of voices. Most of the time it was Mark's voice asking me to wake up. A few times I could have sworn I heard him say he loved me, but after all I had put him could he?

Now, I sit up and gasp for air I so desperately craved. Memories run across my mind and then vanish. I look up to see a man in tears...looking at me. I am speechless cause this man is beautiful. 'Who made him cry like that?' "JuJu...You're awake..." Then I remember, "Mark..." I say but my voice cracks, sounding weak. Tears spring into my eyes and quickly fall down. Without a care in the world I get up and rip all of the tubes from my arms. "Ju, don't do that! You..." I run over and hug him. "I'm sorry! I am so sorry, Mark. I didn't mean to worry you! You have been through so much for me and I am so sorry!!" I say as more tears fall down my face. Mark hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head. "Don't be sorry. I love you, Ju. I would do anything for you." I go to stand up on my own but fall on my butt. "Oww.~" I whine and he chuckles, "I told you not to do that." He then picks me up and puts me back into bed, pressing the button to call my doctor.

The whole time we wait, I can't help but watch him as he watches me. He seems to be scared that all of this is some form of nightmare. That I'm not really awake. 'If we are both dreaming..I hope we both wake up to this exact moment. So we can share it all over again.' I smile at him, "You aren't dreaming. I promise." I say and tears fall down his face. "I hope so. I don't think I could stand another minute of watching you lay there motionless." I rub my hand against his face and he sighs. "Promise to never leave me again." I chuckle, "I promise. Until the end of time." His smile widens, "Until the end of time." Next thing we know, my doctor comes in with a sad look. "Sir, have you finished with your goodbyes...." Then he sees me sitting up and I smile. "Sup! Glad to be awake! What's this I hear about goodbyes?" The doctor smiles widely, "Oh Miss Koi, you're awake! How wonderful this is! I must go gather you family and friends quickly. I am sure they would love to see you awake!" Then he is off again.

Mark chuckles, "He must really care for everyone if seeing you awake made him that happy." I smile brightly at him. "He clearly does and that makes me happy, but not as happy as seeing your face makes me." A blush crosses his face and I laugh. "Just like church bells." He states and I give him a funny look. "Church bells?" I question and he smiles, "Your laugh reminds me of church bells right after a wedding." I raise an eyebrow. "Thinking about marriage so soon?" I say jokingly which causes his face to turn beat red. "W-What?! I-I..." He stutters and it only makes me laugh harder.

Next thing we hear are running footsteps and I look to the door. The first person to reach the door is Auri. Happy tears rush down her face and I smile at her. "I said I wasn't going anywhere didn't I?" I say and she begins to sob as she rushes over to me. Her head lays gently on my lap and her hands clutch onto the blanket. "I never...wake..up!" She says through gasps for air and sobs. I play with her hair and smile at my best friend. "Well, here I am and I promise I will never go anywhere." I hear movement at the door to find Ethan and I give him a smile. At that moment, he seems to be trying so hard not to cry. "I'm glad you're awake, Ju. We all missed you..." He stops for a moment, trying to keep himself calm. I motion him over and he rushes over, crying as he hugs me. "I missed you all too." More happy tears run down my face and I don't wipe them away.

They both finally let go of me and right after they do, my parents enter the room. Dad looks at me with such happiness along side my mom. "Baby girl..." Tears fall down his face as well. "Everyone seriously needs to stop crying. I hate crying..." I say and mom and dad chuckle, "I missed you guys.." Mom and Dad smile at me, "We missed you too, sweetie. So much." They walk over and I sit up to hug them both. "Don't you ever scare us like that ever again. You hear me young lady?" Mom says and I nod, "Yes mom. I promise." Finally, we all sit down and talk about what has happened in the past year. 

Auri and Ethan had finally started dating! "Ahhh my ship has sailed!!! Finally!" I say with a giggle and everyone laughs. Both Auri's and Ethan's faces turn bright red, "Oh hush.." Auri mumbles and I can't help but laugh. "It's nice to see you laughing and smiling." Ethan says and I smile widely at all of them. Suddenly I remember my eyes, "What color are my eyes?" I ask and they all take a look and Mark sighs, "Still purple, but don't worry. Maybe they will change back sometime soon." He says and I give a small smile. "Maybe."
Suddenly the doctor comes in and smiles at us. "JuJu, we checked you out and it seems you have healed up nicely. After we get you moving around you can finally go home." He says and I smile widely, "Yay!!" The others smile too and I look at Mark. 'Until the very end.' Mark holds my hand and lightly squeezes it. I give him a small squeeze in return and his smile is so bright. 'I'll never leave him again.'

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