Chapter 8- Deal or No Deal?~

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JuJu's POV:

Auri had texted Nate while I was getting ready. So he knows we are on our way. "What all did you tell him?" Ethan asks her as she drives. "Just enough but kept Dark a secret. He trusts us and I'm glad he does." She says and he nods.

Together they sit up front and Mark and I are stuck in the back. "Are you okay?" Mark asks and I nod. "I will be soon. Don't worry, okay?" I say to him, forcing a smile. 'I am so sorry, Mark.' We all go silent for the rest of the ride.


When we arrive at Nate's he is standing outside. I step out of the car and force another smile. "Hey, Nate." He walks up to me and hugs me. "We will get him to remember okay?" I nod and hug him back. "Thank you." He walks us inside and into the living room.

He sits in one of the chairs and sighs. "Tell us how it happened then." Nate says and I nod, sitting down on the couch. "I was just sitting here when Mark sat down next to me." Ethan looks at me, "That's it?" I nod, "Sort of. We talked about the things we like and other things." I say, catching Mark staring at me. "You don't remember do you?" He shakes his head, "No. I'm sorry." I shake my head at him. "It's my fault. I'm the one who should be sorry."

Next thing I know, Mark is next to me, smiling at me. It takes me off guard for a second but then I smile back. ' That smile...' Soon, we are talking about everything and the effort makes me happy.


Not long after that, we all decided to go to the arcade. "This will be fun!" Auri says, smiling brightly at all of us. She then jumps out of the car and races into the building. Looking at Mark I smile, "Ready to have some fun?" He nods, "Yup!!" He then races after Auri, dragging me along with him.


Again we had stayed until it was dark out and I was happy. "What did we all do after that?" Mark asks, beaming with happiness. Thinking back to what happened, I remember Dark showing up. "It gets ruined." I mumble and Mark gives me a questioning look. "How?" He asks and my hands become fists. "Dark."

The others fall silent and I sigh. "I'm going to face him. I can't stand that Mark doesn't remember any of this. It doesn't mean I'm angry at you, Mark. I'm angry at myself and at Dark. I need to be the one to fix it." I say, giving him a small smile.

Looking to Auri, I smile at her. "Take them to our house. Mark, I need your house keys." Mark tosses them to me. "Is that where we went next?" He asks and I nod. "JuJu, no. Not alone. Let me go with you." Auri says and I shake my head, "No, he hurt you last time. Besides, I don't think I'll get hurt. I've been alone with the asshole many times. I'll be okay. You, Ethan and Mark go back to the house..." I'm cut off by Mark.

I stare at him, "What is it?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I'll go with you." I frown, "No, Mark. He did this to you. He is one of the reasons you forgot." Mark shrugs, "Too bad. I'm going and you can't change my mind. Auri and Ethan can go back to your place." He grabs my hands and gives me a bitter sweet smile. "We will fix this together." Frozen in place. That's how I feel in that moment with Mark holding onto my hands and looking at me. This man trusts me even though he doesn't remember any of what we went through in the short time we've known each other. 'I will fix this. Even if I have to disappear forever.' Sighing, I give into what he wants. "You win again, but I'll do most of the talking, alright?" He nods with that goofy grin on his face. "We are coming too." Ethan says and I can't help but smile at them. "Okay." I say and notice he's holding Auri's hand. 

Smiling at them one last time, we start to make our way to Mark's place. 


I open the door to Mark's place and like last time it's pitch black. 'The Darkness. The void and the empty. Dark.' Stepping inside I don't turn on the lights. "Hello." I call out and Auri chuckles, "Smart idea, Ju. Let him know we are here." She says sarcastically and I sigh. "I already know." The door then slams shut and causes us all to jump. "Well done, dear. You got the other two to remember, but still haven't saved your dear Mark. Oh how will you get him to remember?" He says, laughing coldly. "Shut it. Give him back the memories you stole." I say and then suddenly, the lights come on. 

Dark is dangerously close and I don't like it one bit. "Why should I? You are the one who wished for this. I told you to be careful what you wish for." I laugh at this, "So now you are a wish granting genie?" I say and I can tell my smart ass comment pissed him off as he throws me into the nearest wall. "Careful what you say, dear. It may have some...." He pauses as he walks over and kneels by me. "Terrible consequences." I try to push myself upright but he grabs me by my hair and stands up. Causing my body to be suspended in the air. "Put her down you monster!!" I hear Auri yell at him, 'causing him to look at her. "Or what? You'll end my life? Oh now that you seem to remember everything. Shhhh, don't tell or I'll end his." Dark says and he smirks insanely. Ethan looks at her, "What is he talking about?" He questions and she looks to me. "I'm sorry..." She then looks to Dark again. "Tell them..TELL THEM IT WAS ALL YOU!" She screams and the room goes silent.

I'm dropped onto the floor and left there. "Alright then, it was me. I was the one messing with their heads this whole entire time. I wanted Mark to think she hated him and for her to think Mark pitied her. It wasn't that hard to tell honestly, but I'm glad I forced you to watch as I caused them to internally suffer." He makes his way towards them and I panic, grabbing the closet thing and throwing it at him. I was successful and it hit him right in the head. Motionless for a moment, then he turns to me. "This is between me and you." I say and he smirks at me. 'That devilish smirk of his...I hate it.' "Right you are, dear. What to do with you now?" Dark says as he begins to circle me like a vulture. 

Sitting up properly I look to Mark and them. 'I'm sorry.' I look back at Dark, "Let's make a deal." He pauses in-front of me and laughs. "Make a deal? Oh dear, you are asking for trouble. What is this deal you had in mind and what are the catches?" He questions and I sigh, "Your choice. Catch is...they are left alone forever. They get to live life as normal as possible." Mark takes a step forward but is stopped by an invisible force. Looking at him I see the want and need to help. "Forget them and become like me then." Dark whispers into my ear and it causes a shiver to run down my spin. Tears run down my face as I think of how their lives can go on without me. 'Disappear.' Looking back at Dark with the saddest expression on my face. "I want your word. If you break it, your life will end and the deal will break. I will be free. They will be left alone no matter what." 

Ringing is all I hear for a moment, but then I hear his pleads. "Please, Ju don't do this. I remember..! I..." Then the ringing takes over again. "You have my word. Now, deal or no deal?" Dark says and reaches his hand out for me to shake. I take one last moment to look back at my friends and the man I care so deeply for. They all are banging on the invisible wall and seem to be screaming. 'I told you to go home, but you didn't listen.' Looking more closely I see they are crying. Facing Dark again I sigh, "Deal." Taking his hand and sealing the deal. I'm pulled to my feet as things fade to darkness. 

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