Chapter 28- Sacrifice

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JuJu's POV:


I wake up to an empty bed and a grey sky outside my window. 'Something isn't right.' Getting up out of bed, I walk into the living room. Finding Mark gathering his things. I smile as I walk up to him. "Hey Mark, where you going?" I can see as his body tenses up and turns to face me. A hateful look on his face. "Away from you. You got Ethan hurt and myself in the past. I don't know why I thought you would have changed." I'm shocked at his words. Just last night we were laughing and joking with each other.

I watch as Mark continues to gather his things. As he does so saying hurtful things to me and he's right. I'm terrible for doing all of this to them. To the man I said I love. How could I have been so selfish to try and keep them around when Dark is trying to kill me? With one last look at Mark, I can really see how much he hates me. "Never talk to me or anyone again." With that he slammed the front door shut. Leaving me alone in a silent home.

*Dream ends*

I bolt up right in bed and look around. Mark isn't here and the house I silent. 'Please tell me...none of that was real..' I plead to no one but myself. Jumping out of bed I run into the living room. Only to find it empty. "He left...He left me again..." I look around for his things but can't find them. "I should have known better. Mark was right in the end though. I'm so selfish and I'm such an idiot to think he ever cared for me!" I scream at nothing as I sink to the floor.

Pain coursing through my body as I listen to silence. That is, until I hear that familiar dark laughter. I'm not angry he's here though. I could car less anymore. "My that was something fun to watch. I wish I could say I had something to do with it." I say nothing in return to Dark. Just looking at my hands as the pain continues and worsening by the second. "My dear, you aren't going to say something smart? Now that's truly surprising. You must have really loved him then." I look up at him and nod. "I was..I was a fool to ever think he could ever love me in return.." My voice changes and it seems to catch him off guard. "Your changes depending on your emotions. How strange. Tell me though. Is there a way I can ease the pain?"

I say nothing at first, trying to find a reason to even get up. To face Dark and end all of this madness. 'Auri and my fans.' I push myself to my feet and I can just feel how weak my legs are. The shock of everything took its toll on my body. "One..last deal, Dark." I say, feeling that darkness inside of me return. He smirks at me, "I thought you learned your lesson last time. Of coarse, I will listen to your deal proposal." I smirk at his statement, throwing him off guard again. "I'll agree to die if you die along with me." Dark laughs, "My dear, I think we all know that I can't really die. I'll just won't have a form until my body reforms."

He's right. He can't truly die but I'm willing to try. "Remember how you created me to be like you? When we made our first deal." He nods, "Of coarse I remember but of coarse you ended up very different." I chuckle at that statement. "I may be more similar than you think. What if I can't die?" Again with surprising this man and I begin to feel proud of myself. "This won't ever end Dark. I'm sure you are getting tired of these games. Even you can get bored." I say with a wide smile on my face.

Suddenly, he rushes at me but I'm quick to dodge. He angrily continues to try to get a hold of me. Each time I manage to dodge him just barely. We stop moving when the front door knob begins to move. 'No. Not now.' I go to keep the door closed but I come face to face with Mark. "Get out!" I yell, remembering earlier. "Ju, what's wrong? I just left to go to my place to grab a few things." I shake my head.

'I won't let him in again. It hurts too much. He's lying to me. He doesn't care about me.' My mind races with those same thoughts over and over. "So nice of you to join us, Mark." Dark says from behind me and I clutch my head. Trying to ignore the sound of Mark's hateful words repeating themselves to me. I feel hands on my shoulders and I move away from them. "Aww, you don't realize how much pain she's in. Even though it's all because of you. Hear that Ju? He doesn't remember what he did to you." With that last sentence I glare up at Mark.

'No don't hurt him. Even if he's hurt you.' My mind tries to stop me by repeating those words continuously. "You...don't remember..? How could you leave and tell me to never speak to me again. Then come back hours later saying you have no idea what's wrong with me?!" The pain returns, but I try to keep a straight face. Obviously failing to do so. "Nothing happened this morning. When I left though you were asleep..It seemed as if you were having a horrible dream though. I tried to wake you but you wouldn't wake up.." Mark says looking from me to Dark.

Suddenly Mark's face turns sour. "You monster. Quit messing with her mind!!!" He yells, causing the voices in my head to fall silent. I turn to look at Dark. "Oh come now. I haven't messed with the girl's mind in such a long time. I just couldn't resist the urge." He says and I glare at him. "Such a pest you are, Dark. I should have realized it sooner..." I say to him and he waves me off. "Aww you're too kind, Ju. But yes, you are a bit naive to not have realized." He says and I smirk at him. "Ju, don't fall to his level..." I frown at Mark. "Quiet. I'm tired of these games we all continue to play. It's time we end this. The right way."

Dark then continues to mess with my mind. Making the pain continue but I ignore it. Doing so, I rush at him quickly and grab him by the neck. "Let's do this else where." Dark smirks as I squeeze his throat. "Let's." I then teleport us away to a place I would be happy to destroy. His home. I throw him against the wall of the room where he taught me to fight. 'Oh this will be so much fun.'

Mark's POV:

They're gone. "Shit! Anti!!!" I yell, hoping he shows up. I hear a sigh from the couch and see him sitting there. "Take me to them. I have to help her." He shakes his head. "She doesn't want your help. Not only that, she doesn't want you to get hurt. I don't understand that last part when your selfish acts in the past have done nothing but hurt her. Let her resolve this issue on her own." I glare at him but I know he isn't wrong. I wanted to keep JuJu at my side and only my side. I thought I could do that by pushing her away from me. In the long run, I did nothing but hurt her. "Next time think of her happiness instead of your own. Love isn't just being there for each other. It's also about sacrifice. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your wants or feelings for the other's to keep them from getting hurt." I sigh, "Then I have to let her do this this, don't I?" I ask and he nods. "If you want I can bring your friends here to wait with you. I'm not very good at comforting people I don't know." I smile a little, "You did with Ju though but then again you know her well." He smiles, "She's like a sister to me and in the end I would be happy to die if it made her happy." Sitting on the couch I text Ethan and tell him to get ready to come here. He responds with a question about what was going on. I send Anti to get them without answering his question. I will just have to tell them when they get here.

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