Chapter 14- Time to play

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JuJu's POV:

We all had sat down on my bed and talked while I tended to Auri's wounds. They weren't too bad but she did have cuts and bruises. I frowned at her, "Told you I was a monster....I'm sorry I threw you..." She shook her head, "If it means getting thrown into a wall and helping you. I would do it over and over again." I give her a forced smile, "Please don't do that ever again. Don't put yourself in danger." She sighs, "No promises."

Anti stayed and joined us, sitting down on one side of me. Mark was on my other side and once I was done fixing Auri up he grabbed my hand. "So, what was the deal?" I ask and Ethan is the one to speak up. "You said he could choose whatever but if he messed with us it would break. His life would end and you would remember." I nod, "Did I say anything about me going back to normal?" I ask and he shakes his head. Anti puts an arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I give him a small smile, "It's okay. I'll learn to live like a normal person this way."


For hours we sat in my room and they showed me pictures of all of us. "These are your parents, you and me." Auri said, showing me her phone. "I have parents..." She smiles at me and nods. "They miss you." Pulling away the phone and tapping on its screen she pulls up something else. "This is something a fan of ours made." Handing me the phone I look down at the screen and press play.

"Sup guys, my name is JuJu and today..." I hear and see myself moving and talking. I'm normal. The video shows me smiling, crying and laughing at something happening in serveral different video games. At the end a few words pop up on the screen. 'We miss you, Ju. Please remember and come home. -Love your fans.'

As the video closes out, I hand Auri back the phone. "Did I really mean that much to people?" Auri nods, "You mean so much to them and to us." She says and looks to Mark. "He does care about you. This whole time Dark has been using you to make Mark suffer."

I look down at our hands and then up at Mark. "Okay, I believe you. All of you." The smile on Mark's face is bright and it makes my heart swell with happiness. "Too bad the deal isn't broken. Did you all forget that part? She won't truely remember unless he breaks it." Anti says and I sigh. "He won't risk it either. Dark knows his life will end meaning I'll never remember." The silence around me is terrible.

"Ju, leave and never come back." Anti says to me and I look at him. "Won't he just come after me? How can I make sure he doesn't follow?" Anti points to my friends. "He can't bother them so technically you won't be able to ever be alone." He says and I nod, going to say something else but then someone knocks on my door.

Hurridly I get them all to hide and then go answer my door. "Did you fix the problem?" Dark asks me once I open the door. "Yes. Stupid humans actually thought I would believe them. I don't think they will be coming back anytime soon." I say with a dark smile and I hate it. I hate him. "Oh really? Ju, do you take me for a fool?" I tense up a little. "Why would I? You are right and always right." He frowns and next thing I know I'm thrown into the wall. "I'm no fool, girl. I know they are here. I told you not to listen to them. Their are liers! They..." I cut him off, "No, you are the lier!! I meant something to so many people! I have fans and a family who miss me! Then you came into our lives and ruined it!" I yell at him, forcing myself to stand up. "I won't let you take my chance at a normal life away. I'm leaving and never coming back. If you try...I'll make sure to do my best to end your life." He smirks, "End my life? Oh you stupid girl, you can't end my life."

I rush at him, tackling him down. This results in me getting thrown off of him. "Freeze." I'm frozen in place. "What the hell?!" I struggle to move but I can't. "Don't waste your time, dear. Now, I need you to make them leave." He says as he walks over to me. "Do it yourself. If they are lying about everything then show me. Prove it to me." He sighs and goes to say something but gets pushed away from me. "Stay away from her. I'm tired of you ruining everything I love! Fight me, Dark. Do it!" I see Mark and watch as he yells at Dark with anger. He turns back for just a second and looks at me. Mark looks at me with want and love. It fills my chest with a warmth I have never felt before. 'I wish...' I hear my own voice in my head and it shocks me.

"Mark, I love you...Please be careful." I say and for a moment my voice sounds normal but then goes back to how it usually is. Mark smiles at me and then looks at Dark again. "I won't let you keep her from me any longer. Come on, Dark. Break the deal." Dark stands and smirks. "Who said anything me about being truly alive? Will my 'life' really end?" Dark says and I tense up, "Instead of trying to find out, you can always give me my memories back." I say and wait for an answer.

Dark smirks at me and suddenly in tackled to the ground. "It wouldn't matter anyways! I will still be alive and you will never be normal. Get over it girl." He says and I growl slightly. "I won't give up! Never! Not to someone like you!!" I yell and my voice changes, catching him off guard. I push him off of me and kick him. Dark flys back and lands on his feet. "Alright then, time to play."

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