Chapter 2- Just a Dream?

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JuJu's POV:

I stand in front of Mark's door, waiting for him to answer. As I wait I hear what sounds like arguing, but I can't tell who he is talking to. Trying to ignore it I wait.

When the door opens it scares me a bit. "Hope you didn't wait long." Mark says and I smile. "Nope." I say and he smiles, "I'm glad then. Come on in and we can record a bit." I nod, stepping inside. For a brief second, the room feels cold. The sound of the door closing making everything around me seem like I just made the wrong choice. 'Looks like you made the wrong choice.' I hear a voice say, causing a shiver to run down my spin. Mark waved a hand infront of my face, seeing if I was okay. "I'm okay. Just a bit nervous is all." He chuckles, "It's alright. Don't worry about anything." Nodding, I follow him into his recording room.

Quickly I text Auri what's up, then putting my phone away. Soon forgetting about the feeling and just having fun with Mark.


I sit at our kitchen table with a cup of hot coco in front of me. The door opens and I see Auri walk in. "Alright, tell me what happened." She says as she makes herself a cup of coffee. "I don't know. I felt like, hanging with Mark was a bad idea." She gives me a questioning look. "Why?" I shrug, "Weird thing I was waiting outside I heard him arguing with someone. I don't know who. No one else was there with us. Then..." I pause for a moment, remembering the moment the door closed. "Then the door closed and it felt all wrong. I also heard this voice and it was a line from one of Mark's old videos..." She continues to look at me, waiting for me to continue. "What did it say?~" I sigh, "'Looks like you made the wrong choice.' It's from the chocolate ending in a date with markiplier. Dark had been the one to say it..." I look up at her, thinking something insane.

We stay silent for a moment until I speak up again. "I don't think it was anything. Maybe I'm just tired." Auri chuckles, "Yeah, lack of sleep can do weird things to you. It's late and you should sleep. I'll do that video today. Try to sleep and I'll try not to be too loud." I smile and laugh a bit. "Alright, goodnight and tell everybody I said sup." She nods and leaves to go to the recording room. I finally finish my hot coco and rinse out my cup, sitting the cup beside the sink. Lastly heading to my room to go finally get some rest.


'Did you miss me?' I hear a voice say and turn all around trying to find the source. Only I get no luck, but I do get the horrible, painful sound of ringing in my ears. 'He likes you. Did you know this? Or are you to blind to actually see this?' I hear again, still searching for the source. "Who are you and who are you talking about?" I ask to the dark void that is all around me, only to get a dark laughter in return. "How sad that you don't know who I'm talking about? Would it help if I came out of the darkness?" Says the voice and I nod, "Yeah it would." I say rudely, waiting for the moment the person to finally step out of the darkness. Before I can even see the person's face, I wake up.

~*Next morning*~

I woke up in a panic, looking around to find that I was safe. 'That voice is chilling and kinda scary..' I think, trying to shake the thought away. Getting up and ready for the day I try not to think about the dream I had, but finding it kinda hard to do so. Sighing, I give up and let the thoughts race through my head. I then hear a knock on my door and when I open it I find Auri. "Hey, how you feeling this morning?" She asks with a small smile. I return the smile, "Weird dream, but other than that I should be just fine." She nods, "Good. What was your dream about?" I shrug, "I was in a dark void, but I wasn't falling. I heard someone talking to me. They were about to show their face but I woke up." I say and shrug, "Doesn't matter. It was just a dream anyway." She smiles and we leave to go grab some breakfast.


We are sitting in a cafe eating lunch when we hear the door bell ring. I turn and look to find Mark and Ethan. Mark spots me and waves. Smiling I wave them over and I turn to Auri, "Mark and Ethan are here." I say and she blushes, "Do not embarrass me please." She says and I giggle, "No promises." She sighs and looks up as the boys walk over. "Hello, ladies.~" Mark says and I giggle a little. "Hello, feel free to sit down with us." I say and they do. Ethan sits next to Auri and Mark sits next to me. Looking at Auri I find her face a bright shade of pink. I give her a smirk, causing her to glare at me. Mark catches this and chuckles, "So, what are you two doing today??" I shrug in response, "Don't know. Auri, recorded last night so videos are done for today. What about y'all?" I say and they both shrug, "Don't know." Ethan says and I smile, "Well then, how about we all go do something fun?" I say and Auri smiles, "Arcade?" I agree with her and ask the boys, "Arcade sound fun?" They nod, and we all finish eating food. Finally leaving to have some actual fun.

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