Chapter 29- Letting go

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JuJu's POV:

I watch as he stands back on his feet and watching me closely as he does. "You have gotten stronger it seems, but you have also become colder. So much pain behind those cold eyes of yours." I sigh, "My heart may have begun to turn cold but I can always find the warmth from somewhere else." He laughs but ends up coughing. "Give it up Dark. You're dying. I out rank you in everyway. Just stop fighting and finally die." He frowns, "No...I have to destroy everything he loves. He ruined who I orignally was! I was an amazing person but then he had to go and get his twisted version of revenge! I'll kill him!" I shake my head, "I know what you are talking about. It was exactly what happened in Who killed Markiplier. Your origin story along with Wilford's. That man isn't the same Mark. That was so long ago and you accuse the wrong man. That man died a long time ago but yet you aim to kill a innocent man." Dark growls at me, "It was him!! I know it is! I.." I cut him off, angry at him for accusing Mark. "MARK IS INNOCENT! NOW STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS AT ONCE!" I yell and he falls silent.

Looking around I find a beautiful sword haning on the wall. Walking over to it I grab it and once I turn around I see Dark making his way over to me. He wants to rush at me but when he tries he just falls flat onto his face. I make my way over to him and point the sword at his face. "It's time we ended this once and for all, Dark. I have grown very tired of everything..Please, just face the fact you lost. Let go of all of your anger and be free of the thing holding you back." He glares up at me from his place on the floor. "I won't..." I sigh and quickly stab him in the chest. "Then you can never truly move on from this world. That's why you never die. The pain you hold close to your heart is holding you back. Celine is apart of you is she not? Then for her sake, let go." As I say this, a light begins to shine just slightly off his body.

Suddenly I see him crying, something I never thought I would see. "He truly is nothing like the Mark I knew. So, for Celine I will move on and I know she thanks you for this. Tell William to move on as well and that I'll be waiting to see him again. Finally I nod with a sad smile on my face as I watch him fade to nothing before my very eyes. "If I can be thankful to you for one thing. Is for making me who I am because if you hadn't, I would never be able to protect those I love." I small smile that shows no darkness shines across his face and I find it just a bit odd. "It was my pleasure, my dear. Find the warmth and keep it close to your heart. Do not become like I had. Goodbye now." I close my eyes and tell Dark goodbye. Once my eyes are open again I find the place still intact. I had figured this place would fall apart without him here but I guess I had been wrong. With one last look around the room, I imagine my living room and find myself there in the blink of an eye.

~*Back at her home*~

Once I find myself back in my living room I find surrounded by my friends. "Where have you been and what's with the sword?!" Auri yells once she notices me, grabbing my shoulders and then hugging me closely. "It's been done. Damien no longer is with us." Mark looks at me wide eyed. "Who?" I give him a blank stare, "Damien. I'm sure you remember 'Who killed Markiplier.' Everything that you had shown was indeed true except it was you from the past that had ended up getting revenge. Dark was Damien and Celine combined. I just happened to be killing him when he finally had a change of heart. That means something else though." They all look at me in wonder and I look over at Anti. "Will is still out there but the detective is trying to find him for his revenge." Anti chuckles, "Don't tell me you plan on stopping him from killing Wilford." I smile slightly, "No of coarse not, but if we get involved then I should save Will. He had been pushed into insanity but he is someone I had always been fond of. I can't let him die if he comes banging on our door now can I?" Anti smiles at me brightly for once and it is quiet heartwarming to see. 

He agreed without any real words. I then found something to mount the sword onto my wall and smiled at it even though the memories hurt. "Your voice is back to normal." I hear Ethan say and I nod. "It's because my proublem was solved and I'm actually really greatful for that." I look to Mark who has been looking down at his hands since I mentioned Damien and Celine. "There is one more thing I need to do." I say and he looks up at me. "What is that?" Auri questions and I give them a sad smile. "I need to go away for a while. Clear my head after everything has happened and to be alone." Mark walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Where to?" I shake my head, "Anywhere but I promise I won't be gone long. When I come back I'm sure all of the pain will be gone and I'll be okay again." He hugs me after that and I can't help but hug him back. "I'm guessing that means I can't tag along?" Anti says and I pull away from Mark, nodding at Anti. "Sorry to say that is correct." He motions me over to him and I hug him too.

"Don't worry though. You will be able to watch me as I travel and find myself again." I say leaving the room, going into mine to grab a few things. Walking back out I wave a camera around. "I will always keep in touch as well. Can't leave my best friend here with a bunch of guys and not check up on her." I say with a wink and they all laugh. Walking back over to Mark I kiss his cheek. "I will always love you, Mark. I just need a little while, okay?" He smiles at me and gentle holds my face in his hands. "I'll wait. I promise." I smile as I kiss him one last time before disappearing onto a trip to find myself again.

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