Chapter 22- Control

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JuJu's POV:

I wake up but can not move and I see Mark leaning over me. 'Let us see what we can do.'  Panic races through me as I hear Dark's words, "Ju, are you alright? You seemed like you were having a bad dream..." I try my hardest to tell him to run away but it's hard to get the words out. "Ju, say something..." Mark continues to talk to me but I still can not speak. "Ooo.~ How nice it is to have a body!" Dark's voice escapes my mouth and sends a wave of shock through Mark's body. I struggle to make my body move to my will but I still fail. 'Mark go! Run away!!' I scream in my head and Mark looks around. "Ju? I heard you..What the hell did you do to her?!" Mark yells at Dark angrily but Dark only laughs. "I'm just borrowing her body for a moment. Now it's time to make you suffer for what you and you're little girlfriend did to me!" My body rushes forward at Mark but he steps out of the way. "Get out of her body right now!" I feel a smirk run across my face as I continue to struggle to gain control.

My body then begins to make its way to the kitchen. Mark follows after me, "Dark, I swear once you are out of her body I will rid this world of you! GET OUT OF HER RIGHT NOW!" Dark forces my body to grab a huge kitchen knife and turns to face Mark. Then he points the knife right where I had been stabbed only a year before. "Now now Mark, no need to be so hateful. Besides, you wouldn't want your little girl friend to get hurt now would you?" The tip of the knife touches my stomach and I try my hardest to push my own hand away. "Fine. What do you want, Dark?" Mark says and I this can't be good. 'Mark no! I'll be okay just get out of here!!' Mark shakes his head and Dark smirks. "If you want her to live you have give her up. I'll leave her alone only if you do what I tell you. Come on Mark, let's make a deal.~" Dark says tauntingly and I begin to panic even more. 'No! Mark please don't listen to him! You know what will happen if you make a deal with him! Please Mark!!!' Tears fall down Mark's face as he gives Dark his answer. "Alright, take control...JuJu, I am so sorry..."

My body then drops to the floor and I'm in control again. With tears running down my face I look up to see a cold smirk on Mark's face. "No...Mark..." I say and quickly realize my voice is back to normal. "Oh how nice it is to have the perfect body now. I'll just stay in the very back of his mind as I tell him what to do." Dark says and walks over to me, leaning down to my level. "I will make sure both of you suffer." Then he stands up straight and the cold look leaves his face. "JuJu.." Mark says and I quickly get up, hugging him. "Mark why did you do that?! I told you I would be okay! Mark..." He gently pulls away from me and my heart begins to sink. "Leave..." He mumbles but I swear I didn't hear him right. "W-What?" I stutter and he shakes his head. "I said get your things and get out..I want nothing to do with you." Mark says and my heart seems to shatter into pieces. "This isn't you..Mark, you don't have to listen to him.." Again he shakes his head, "This is my choice. I will tell Auri and Ethan you are on your way over there. Go pack your things and don't talk to me ever again." Racing up the stairs as I begin to cry and quickly pack my things. Heartbroken over everything that I just lost.

*A week later*

"They are getting worried about you..." Auri says to me, talking about the fans. "Tell them I'm fine.." I mumble to her and she sighs. "Ever since you know. You have been locked up in your room. Coming out only to eat and sit in-front of the tv as his videos play. It isn't healthy, Ju. We are all worried about you." She says but I just put my face in between my knees. Mark didn't tell her it was all Dark and when I tried to tell her she asked him about it. Of coarse he denied it and she believed him. "I told you what happened already..." Auri sighs, "Ju, Mark said that you were dreaming all of that. When you woke up is when he..." I quickly shake my head at her. "I know what happened...just please tell the fans I'm okay." She leaves with another sigh and I cry into my knees.

Ever since that evening, my voice hasn't changed back to the way it was and Dark had not shown up in my dreams to cause havoc. You would think I would be grateful for that part, but I would rather having to deal with him if it means I can have Mark back.

*Another week later*

"Ju, come out here for dinner!!" I hear Auri yell and then some muffled arguing. Something along the lines of, 'I can't do this.' or 'I don't want to see her.' Earlier last week Auri thought it would be a good idea for all of us to have a nice dinner together. That meant it was Ethan, Auri, myself and Mark. Looking in the mirror one last time I walk out of my room and to the dinning room. There they all sat at the dinner table with chicken and dumplings, rice and other of my favorite foods set in the middle. 'I am so not ready for this dinner..' I think to myself and quickly sit across from Mark which just so happened to be the only available seat left. We all begin eating and about half way through the meal Mark's face turns dark with a small smirk. Just as quick as it appeared, it disappeared.

The man that had just smirked at me was not Mark, but Dark. 'I hate you so much..' Mark drops his fork and stands quickly, "I can't do this. Auri, thank you for the meal but I just can not be in the same room as her." She goes to say something to him but he starts to leave. Quickly I stand and watch him go. "You suck, Mark...You know that right? Lying to your friends and making me seem like the crazy one." Tears stream down my face, "After everything I did to try and protect you..This is what I get. I get that you were doing it in the end to keep me from getting hurt but do you really have to go this far?" He shakes his head, "You don't get it. It's much worse than what you think. I've been lying this whole time. I never..." He stops, as if he couldn't utter the next thing he was going to say. "You never what, Mark!?" I yell at him, "I never loved you!" I once thought that my heart couldn't break even more than it already had, but it proves me wrong as I fall to the floor.

I listen as the door slams and Auri chases after Mark. Ethan rushes to my side and holds me closely. "He didn't mean that, Ju. I believe you..Just know he doesn't mean that." I nod and then Ethan helps me to my room and I cry myself to sleep.

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