Chapter 26- Shifting Air

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(I know it's been super long since I've updated this story and I'm sorry!! I really do like what I've done with it so far and would love to continue it. So, after re-reading what I wrote, I'm here writing the next chapter!! Enjoy!)

JuJu's POV:

Mark had to go home at some point and honestly, I didn't want to go back with him. Considering I'm still recovering from the heartache. Just seeing that place wouldn't be good for me right now. "You should be around other people. I don't feel right leaving you alone like this. It's basically asking for him to return." I nod, "I'll call Auri and see if I can hang out with her today. If not then I'll figure something out." He nods and hugs me goodbye before walking out the door. Leaving alone to my silent home once again. It began to feel as if he never came back.

Shaking my head I grab my phone and dial Auri's number. It rings a few times but she doesn't answer which is not like her. She usually always answers my phone calls. I then try Ethan's number but he doesn't answer me either. 'Maybe they are too busy hanging out to answer.' Putting my phone away I sit on the couch, closing my eyes and focusing on calling out to Anti. Ever since he came here a few days ago and Dark sending him away, he hasn't returned. Not even when I tried summoning him here. It has me very worried. "Finally, I beginning to actually worry." I hear that familiar glitchy voice and quickly open my eyes. "Anti, oh my god I was so worried he hurt you! What happened?" I quickly ask him as I get up to hug him.

Anti chuckles slightly, "That asshole sent me into the void so I wouldn't be in his way. Clearly he failed at killing you but that still meant a few days in the void." I give him a questioning look, "The Void?" He nods, "It's nothing but darkness. Dark likes to use it to trap people or victums to cause insanity. For beings like myself it only causes boredom." I giggle slightly at his statement, but then realize the place he was talking about. "I've been there but I would only be there in my sleep. It would cause me to be restless and irrtated. I hate that place." Anti hugs me back and sighs, "I wish I could kill the basturd, but after realizing even you didn't kill him, I don't think I could." I raise an eyebrow, "Even myself? What do you mean?" I ask and he frowns, "He created the person you are now. Even if you don't like to think so, he gave you the abilities you have. I also heard you have some that he doesn't have, nor intended to give you. That makes you very strong. You were able to break his physical form but only for a limited time." I sigh, "There has to be a way to get rid of him. I'm tired of all of this.." I say, mumbling the last bit.


Time passes and Anti has been playing games with me since he showed up. I know it's still possible for Dark to show up while Anti is around but I don't really mind at the moment. I missed Anti a lot over the past few days. It's also been a few hours since Mark left and he should be back any moment now. I wonder how he will react at seeing Anti after it's been so long. "Earth to JuJu. You're going to die from enemies if you don't pay attention to the game!~" Anti says and I quickly focus on the game we are currently playing together. As I shoot down other players, I can't help but have this sinking feeling in my chest. Now, I feel as if the air around us has thickened. I quickly pause the game and walk around the apartment. "Ju, what's wrong?" He asks and I shake my head. "Something isn't right. The air seems to have shifted, making it hard to breath." Anti's eyes go wide. "Get out of here! That's his plan! To slowly kill you!" I grab him and we run out of the house.

Once we are out on the front lawn the air feels lighter and I can breath easily again. Dark appears at the door with a smirk. "Aww too bad I failed this time, but I won't next time. Oh also have you checked on your friends recently?" With that last thing said he is gone as quickly as he appeared. "Shit...SHIT! Anti, take me to Auri's place right now." With a nod, he grabs my hand and teleports us there. We appear at their front door and I quickly open the surprisingly unlocked door. Walking inside I find blood on the floor. It wasn't a lot but it was some. "AURI?! ETHAN?!" I yell out and hear a voice call out to me from down the hall. I quickly run towards their room and find Auri bandaging Ethan's side up. I can feel my eyes shift color and my blood boil with anger. "What.Did.He.Do?" I say, my voice changing making me sound terrifying.

Auri looks up at me with angry tears running down her face. "That jerk came here to take me because he wanted to use me to get to you. Ethan tried to step in but got hurt instead. You better kill him or else I'll do it myself." I shake my head, "You know he's too strong for you to handle. Let me take a look at your side, Ethan." He nods and lifts up his shirt, removing the bandaging. Revealing a long wound going across his stomach. Suddenly I get this warm feeling in my hands and I can't help it when my hands reach out to him. Placing my hands on his wound and watching as light begins to shine just a little. Ethan grunts in pain but then sighs as the light dims. Removing my hands I find all that is left is trace of blood from when the wound had been there previously. Looking down at my hands in shock, I see they now have blood on them as well. "I told you, you have powers he didn't intend on giving you." Anti says and I sigh, "I hate to be reminded but I think it's better that I'm different from him. Atleast I have powers that can do some good."

Ethan and Auri both look up at me and smile. "Thank you. How long have you been able to do that?" Ethan asks but I shake my head, "This is the first time I've ever done that before." They both nod at my statement and then hug each other tightly. Suddenly my phone rings and I look at the screen to see Mark's smiling face. Quickly I answer and hear him on the other end. "Hey, where are you? I'm back at your place and you aren't here. Are you with Auri and Ethan?" He questions and I sigh, "Yes, but we will meet you there." The sound of my voice must have thrown him off as he begins to question me some more. "What happened to your voice? Did something happen?" I pinch the bridge of my nose and tell him I will answer his question once we get there. With a swift goodbye, Anti grabs my hand and gives me a small smile. "Don't worry, we will end this one day and everything will be okay again." I nod and hold my hand out to Auri, who then grabs mine and Ethan's hand. "Take us back to my place please." With a nod of his head, he closes his eyes and we all do the same.

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