Chapter 4- Done

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JuJu's POV:

We haven't had any sign of Dark since that night. Mark still hasn't told me the other thing from that night. It's been weeks and he just won't tell me. Auri clearly knows what that one thing is. "It's not my place to tell you. It's Mark's." I sigh, "Alright. I'll leave it be for now." She smiles, "Don't worry. He will tell in time. Try not to worry." I nod, trying to forget for now.

~*Months later*~

He won't talk to me. Not a text, Skype message, phone call. Nothing and I'm hurt. Had I done something to hurt him or make him mad? I try to think of something, anything I did, but come up with nothing.

I try to talk to Auri about it but she says she doesn't know either. Texting Ethan about it doesn't help either. He's just as worried as I am. Considering Mark still uploads daily and seems happier than ever. I don't know what to do at this point. Honestly, it makes me kind of angry, but I leave it be.

I still get Dark's voice talking to me. "I guess I was wrong. Maybe he doesn't care for you at all. I do though. Trust me." His voice always calling out to me, but I try to ignore him. Always asking for my trust when I'll never give it to him.

No one but me knows about Dark being around. I don't say anything cause I'm afraid to. I don't know why I am, but I am. "Never tell. They wouldn't care, not even your friend Auri." He lies but I believe him for unknown reasons. 'Messing with my head. Please stop it.' I'm always thinking this, but he never stops.


It's dark all around me. I don't find it strange cause this happens all the time now. "What do you want? Can't I have a peaceful sleep for once?" He laughs, "Sorry dear, didn't know these dreams made you a restless sleeper." I roll my eyes, "Don't lie. You know they do. Now you gonna tell me what you want today?" He smirks, "To tell you what Mark won't tell you." He says and I freeze.

Mark and I haven't spoken in months. "Like you know why. Even if you did. How would you know?" His smirks only widens. "You forget I am much like him. Only darker. He told me not to tell but really, when do I ever listen to him?" Dark says with a small chuckle. "Who says I'll believe you?" I say harshly, my fists tightening. "Did you ever really think your own hero could ever like you?" I sigh, "Of coarse not. What fan thinks they would?"

He's silent, not speaking nor moving. It bothers me to all hell how silent he is. "Cut the shit. Just fucking tell me or I'm leaving." The smirk is back again and I hate it. "He told me the other night. Should I really tell you? Oh how badly this would hurt you." I growl slightly, "Just fucking tell me already." When he opens his mouth this time. It makes me wish I hadn't opened mine. "He blames you. He can't stand the thought of you. Mark only hung out with you cause he pittied you. Poor girl looked so lonely."

Dark says more things and it all hurts. I shouldn't listen but how can I not. It makes sense. Mark won't speak to me at all. No matter how hard I try or how many times I apologize. Nothing.


I wake to light shinning through my window. It's dawn outside and I really don't want to go through with today. Knowing I won't be sleeping again anytime soon, I get up and get dressed for the day. Once finished I go to go make some breakfast but stop at the door, hearing voices in the living room. "You should talk to her. She's been trying to reach out to you but you haven't answered any of her messages or calls." I hear Auri say and I automatically know who she is talking to. "I can't." Mark says, mumbling slightly. "Why not? She deserves to know why." Auri says and I sigh, sliding down against the door. I don't hear him reply and Auri's frustrated sigh. "She's probably asleep, but I should go check on her. She hasn't been herself the past few months." She says and then the sound of footsteps are heard making their way towards my room.

Quickly jumping into bed and pulling the covers over my head, I pretending to be asleep. The door opens and she sighs again. "Asleep? Yeah don't think so. Get up, Ju. I know you are up since I heard you already getting ready." I sigh and sit up, "Why are you up so early?" She smiles, "I'm always up this early. You're just never awake to know that. Come on..." I shake my head. "Auri, he clearly doesn't want to talk to me so don't force it." I say bitterly, but of coarse she doesn't take a no for an answer. Grabbing me by the arm she drags me out into the living. Once there, instead of finding Mark there, we find it empty. Yanking my arm away from her I frown, "Told you. I'm done with this. If he doesn't want to talk to me or be around me then leave it alone." I say, leaving her in the living room as I go into the kitchen to find something to eat.

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