Chapter 7- Remember

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JuJu's POV:

He's back of coarse. Never really leaves. "Learned your lesson so quickly?" Dark says with a frown, "You knew I didn't mean what I had said!! Change things back right now!" I yell at him but he just laughs. "Why should I?" He says as he smirks at me. "Well, Mark isn't really suffering of he never met me is he?" I say, hoping that was true.

Dark says nothing, so I guess I was right. "Change it back." He frowns, "No. Suffer this way." With that said, he poofs away.


Sitting in our living room, I try to think of what I could do. Mark doesn't remember, but that doesn't mean Ethan doesn't. Auri clearly doesn't remember so there maybe no use in trying with her. "Auri, I'm going to the cafe. Be back soon!" I yell, she yells back okay and I'm gone.

~*At the cafe*~

I sit at the booth we all had sat at and wait. I'm not waiting for you long cause I hear the door open behind me. Turning I find Ethan, he seems to be looking for someone.

Turning away I sigh, hoping it's me he's looking for. I hear footsteps head towards me and I smile. Ethan sits across from me and i couldnt be happier at the moment. "I remember. I remember coming here with you, another girl and Mark. But that was today. What's going on?"

I sigh at his question, "Do you remember a being named Dark?" I ask and he nods, "He isn't real, right?" I look him in the eyes, "He is and I said something I shouldn't have. It's my fault no one remembers the times we did have or the fighting. I'm the only one who remembers. I screwed up big time and I hate myself for it. I wanna change things back, but I don't know how to." I say, sitting there hoping he will help me.

We sit in silence for a long time. The silence kills me but I don't speak until he does. "Alright, I will help you. Only because Mark looked so happy with you that day. You make him happy." I blush, "I haven't been lately but thank you, Ethan. This means so much to me."  He smiles and nods, "As long as we all are happy in the end." My own smile widens, "We will be. Now the other girl is my best friend and you have to meet her. Come on."


We stop in front of the front door. "She may be shy at first. Please, just be gentle with her. She has no idea about anything that has happened." Ethan moss and I open the door. "Auri, come here please." I hear her move around some and I quickly get Ethan inside.

She finally makes her way into the living room, but quickly stops when she sees Ethan. "H-Hi...uh Ju, can I ask you something?" She says and motions me over. "How the hell did you meet Ethan??" She asks and I smile, "Meet at the cafe while I was out. I thought it woilsnt be fair to you if you didn't get to meet him." him say and she nods.

Walking back over to Ethan I give him a look and he walks over. He suddenly hugs her and I smile at them. Something flashes across Ethan's face and then he smiles widely. "Ju, I remember!!" He says, pulling away from Auri. She gives us an odd look, "Remember what?" She asks and I smile, "Something crazy. Sit down. We need to talk."


Auri says nothing as she sits there. Clearly trying to remember everything. "All I remember is Ju acting strange all the time. She would space out a lot." Ethan frowns, "Dark was messing with her constantly. He wants to hurt Mark by taking the one thing he cares for most." I nod, "Apparently that's me." Auri smiles at me. "Do you understand what he means by that?" She asks me and I shake my head. "You big goof, Mark likes you!! I know cause Ethan told me..." She trails off.

A smile forms on my face, "You remembered something! Wait, Ethan, he likes me?" Ethan nods, "We weren't suppose to tell you, but it's too late now I guess for him to tell you..." Ethan says, mumbling the last part.

Sitting there I realize how dumb I am. "I'm an idiot. Dammit I am such a fucking idoit!!" I yell out in anger, standing up quickly and punching the wall. "Woah, Ju stop. It will be alright." Ethan says and I shake my head. Tears start to fall down my face. "I was hateful and said things I shouldn't have. When we stopped talking it hurt and I was angry. Stupid Dark wasn't any help and just made it worse."

I slide down the wall, sobbing into my knees. "I'm an idoit and now he doesn't know who I am because of me. I wished for this out of anger. Dark is right, I should suffer here." I mumble and Auri sits down next to me. She wraps her arms around me, holding me close. I can hear Ethan typing something on his phone but I don't ask.


An hour or so later I'm done crying and someone knocks on the door. "Ethan, could you get that?" Ethan nods and answers the door. I turn away so the person in the doorway can't see my tear stained face. "What's up, Ethan? You seemed worried when you texted me. What is this place?" I hear someone say and I know it's Mark. I spent too many years watching his videos to not recognize that voice.

Ethan let's him in and I can't bring myself to turn around. "Ju, it will be okay. I'm sure Ethan knows what he's doing." I shake my head, "It's useless, Auri. He should go be happy without me in his life. I'm the one who ruined it by showing up. He..." I'm cut off mid-sentence. "Who?"

My body freezes and I can't speak. The man I care for so much is behind me and has no memory of me at all. "You. She's talking about you. Mark, you don't remember anything about her do you?" Ethan asks and i hear Mark sigh. "No, but I feel like I've seen her before." He says and I nod, "I'm nobody really." I look at Auri, "Dark isn't going to make this easy. If we want Mark to remember then we have to really try." She nods, "Then to Nate's house we go. Go wash up, Ju. Mission make Mark remember is a go."

I smile at my best friend, "Thank you." She waves me off, "Don't thank me just yet. Now go get ready." Quickly I rush to my room to fix my now ruined eyeliner.

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