Chapter 9- New

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Ethan's POV:

They won't move or leave the house. It hurts to see them so upset and it's horrible not having JuJu around. Auri won't go home cause it reminds her too much of Ju. Mark hasn't uploaded any videos and the fans are all going crazy with worry. Auri is still trying to figure out a way to tell their fans that JuJu is gone. "You need to tell them sooner or later, Auri. I understand it's hard but I'm here if you need anything." She mumbles an okay and goes back to staring off into nothing. Walking over to Mark I sit down next to him on the floor. "She's gone...Only god knows what he is doing to her. I finally remember at the very last second who she was and how much she meant to me, but I was too late..I couldn't save her in time." I put my hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry man, I miss her too. We will get her back one day. I would promise but I can't." I say and he sighs, "Thanks for being here Ethan, but you should be with Auri. You like her don't you?" I give a sad smile as I look over at her. "Yeah...but my feelings right now aren't what is important. You two need to get up and make an effort as well or else we won't ever see Ju again."

This makes Auri sit up straight and look over at me. "We will. I have to see her again. She's like an older sister to me." I nod and look back at Mark, "Well? You heard her. Get up and let's make an effort." Mark slowly stands and I give him a small smile. "You heard the deal they made. She doesn't remember us. None of us." Mark says and I sigh. "Don't be a buzz kill, Mark. You have to believe. Also, we all have something he doesn't." Auri smiles, "People who care about her." I nod and my smile widens. "Time to tell the fans the truth. They could help us find her." Mark nods and leaves to go record. "I'm going home. Are you coming with me or not?" Auri says and holds out her hand for me to take. Nodding I take her hand in mine, causing her cheeks to turn a light shade of red. "I'll stay by your side always." She smiles and we leave to go ask for help.

JuJu's POV:

Darkness. It's all I remember and it's all I see. Pain all over as I fall in an endless void. My head pounds with the loud silence of everything. Finally it ends and I stop falling all at once. "Juju, wake up. What happened to you?" I hear a voice and my eyes shoot open. I find Dark leaning over me with an actual worried expression on his face and I quickly shove him away. "Gosh Dark, I'm fine. What happened anyway?" I ask and he sighs, "You just fell face first into the ground and I have no idea why. I was actually worried about you." I roll my eyes, "Sure, what were we doing when I 'fell face first into the ground?'" I ask and he chuckles. "What we normally do. Causing people extreme confusion and insanity. Your favorite thing to do." I smile at him, "True. Alright then, what are we doing today?" He smirks, "Well, you seem to have been off your game lately. How about a bit of training?" He asks and this time it's my turn to smirk. "Oh how much fun this will be." I say and he laughs. 

Mark's POV:

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today, I need your help. First thing you need to know is that I'm being one hundred percent honest and serious with you guys." I pause and take a deep breathe, then continuing. "There is this girl and a lot of things have been happening. Before I get into that I have to tell you something I've been keeping a secret from you all. Darkiplier is real and I didn't know he was real until the 'a date with markiplier' video had been posted. One night he showed up and threatened me. I'm sorry I kept this dangerous person a secret but I was scared he would find some of you and hurt you." I stop again to try and keep my composure. "Now this girl I had mentioned, her name is JuJu Koi and some of you may know her from her channel she shares with her best friend. Just know that she's gone, Dark has her and I..." I can't help but start crying, "I need her back so badly. She is my everything and I miss her so much."

I plop into my chair cause I can't keep standing for much longer. After fixing the camera angel I continue to talk. "If you see her direct message me on any of my social media. From now on I need you all on the look out for her and I'll put a picture on the screen now." I pause again for a moment before continuing. "Don't spam me for attention if it's not to help me out here. Auri, her friend, Ethan and I are so upset she would make a deal with that monster. I know it was to protect us, but I need her around. Without her I'm a mess. Please guys, help us out." I wipe my eyes and give the camera a smile. "I'm sorry I haven't been uploading, but now you know why. I'll end it here so..As always, I will see you in the next video! Buh-Bye!" Turning off the camera I sit back. Editing the video and finally posting a video which I hadn't done in about a week now.

I keep refreshing the video page over and over again as people watch the video. 'Shit...he's fucking serious. I'll be looking Mark, don't worry so much dude.' One comment says and I smile a bit. More and more much like that one flood in and it makes me happy my fans care about our happiness so much. I then tweet out a thank you to everyone and sigh. My stomach then growls and I chuckle, "Food." Picking up the phone and order some taco pizza.

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