Chapter 23- An old friend

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The song is what I was listening to when I wrote this part of the story. Enjoy.~

JuJu's POV:

Auri finally came back and loudly knocked on my door which obviously woke me up. "Go away." I say loud enough for her to hear me. Quiet sounds of two people talking come from behind the door and soon the sound of footsteps walking away come and go as well. Double checking the lock on the door I close my eyes and think for a moment. "I need someone who won't think I'm crazy..." I mumble and then hear a slight chuckle behind me. Turning I find Anti standing there with a small smile on his face. He then gives me a sad look, "What happened?" Quickly I run over to him and he hugs me closely. "Dark happened..." I mumble and his body grows tense just slightly. "I thought he..." I shake my head, "No. He doesn't have a physical body. Sit down and let me explain." I told him and we talked about everything that has happened.

*Time skip*

Anti now has this deep frown on his face and I can tell he isn't very happy. "I really am tired of these games he plays." I nod and look down at my hands. For a moment it's silent in the room and I honestly can not stand the silence. "H-He said he didn't love me..." Anti throws an arm over my shoulders and gives me a comforting side hug. "You know he didn't mean it. That was Dark telling you that, not Mark." I nod, "But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt to hear." Anti sighs, "I would say I understand but I don't know that feeling, but you need to think about something." I give him a questioning look, "Like?" Looking up at him I see how serious he looks in this moment. "How he may be feeling right now. Don't you think he may be hurting too?" Suddenly a memory of something Mark said to me crosses my mind. "Ju, I would go through anything for you. No matter how much it hurts, 'cause I love you."

Tears begin to fall quickly down my face as I realize how much pain he must be in. "I'm terrible. This whole time I've been thinking about myself when I should be there for him and show him how much I love him! I should be there trying to help him but instead I am wallowing in my own tears over things he has been forced to say to me!" I stand up, almost falling over from the massive head rush from it. "I have to go to him and help him. I have to stop Dark..." A knock at my door cuts me off. "Ju, are you alright in there?" I hear Ethan's voice call from the other side of my bedroom door. Quickly, I rush over to it and open the door. "I'm great but terrible." I say and pull him inside. Ethan notices Anti and raises an eyebrow at me. "He's still my friend and he can help. He honestly can't stand Dark so he's all good." Anti waves at Ethan, "Hello." Ethan waves back at the slightly glitching figure.

I look back at Ethan, "I'm going to go after Mark and help him. He's probably in so much pain right now and all the while I'm here wallowing in my own self pity! I..." Ethan grabs my shoulders and holds me still. "Ju, calm down and wait a second. I believe you I really do but I'm worried Dark might hurt you if you go over there." I give him a look as if he was crazy. "He's hurt me already..." Ethan cuts me off again, "Yeah a year ago but that..." I shake my head, "No Ethan, he's hurting me now by keeping the man I love away from me and making him say things to me that aren't true! Not only that but making him lie to you and Auri. I could care less if I physically get hurt! I just want Mark to be able to be happy without Dark getting in the way!" I scream the last few sentences and I'm guessing Auri heard because a knock comes from the door again. "Are you two okay in there? I heard yelling..."

Without warning I pull the door open with a determined look on my face. I move out of her field of vision so she can get a clear view of Anti. "I don't care if you believe me or not. I was not dreaming or am I crazy. Mark is being forced to say things to me and you are the only one that doesn't freaking believe me!" I scream at her and I do feel bad for yelling but it's true. She is the only person who doesn't believe me.

She just stares at Anti and then smiles at him. "Haven't seen you in a year. Sup buddy?" Anti rolls his eyes. "Hello brat." I give him a cold glare, "Be nice." He sighs and nods. I look back at Auri, "I'm going to help Mark. He's in pain and I need to be there for him. Just know I'm going to do this and none of you can stop me." I then rush out of the room and quickly put on my shoes, grabbing the car keys as I rush out the door.


Ethan ended up being able to catch up with me but Auri hadn't been able to as I sped away too quickly. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" Ethan asked me from the passenger seat. I nodded, "I have to help him through this. He once told me he would go through anything for me because he loves me. I won't give up on that love even if it kills me or breaks me." I said and Ethan nodded in understanding. The rest of the car ride was silent besides the constant tapping of Ethan's fingers on his cell phone. 'Must be texting Auri.' I ignore the tapping and when we pull up to Mark's place I quickly stop. "Stay here." I say and then exit the car, but of coarse he doesn't listen and follows me to the driveway.

There in the driveway is where I stop, staring at the sight of Mark hugging a young blonde lady. He has a smile on his face and he seems so happy to see her. 'Someone new...He found someone new..he's happy..' Tears begin to pour from my eyes as I hang my head, not able to watch the loving exchange these two must be having. "Ju...come on let's go home..." Ethan says to me quietly as he ushers me towards the car. He gets me into the passenger seat and takes my keys from me. On the way he calls Auri and let's her know what just happened. There in the passenger seat is where I cry myself to sleep. 'I should have known better than to fall in love with someone who was too good to be true..' That was my last thought as I fell asleep.

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