Chapter 30- A Happy Ending

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JuJu's POV:

Everyday I vlog my adventures in whatever town or city I was in. After editing all of the footage of that place, I would upload it. I ended up being gone longer than I had thought and I believed now would be the right time to return home. I do make one last stop, the London country side because it was one of my favorite places during my time away from home. It was just so peaceful and quiet there. How could I not visit it one last time. Luckly me it was summer time again and the summer breeze was blowing around me. The sun was setting and it made everything more beautiful. Back home though it would be around lunch time since over here we are five hours ahead of the United States time. Maybe a little bit more for the west coast. Either way, now would be the perfect time to go see everyone after being gone for a year. Closing my eyes I try to imagine their faces and once I open them I see my infront of Mark's place.


I stood out on the lawn for a little while before going in. Looking up at the sky I see the sun right above me. Telling me I was right, that it was lunch time. Pulling out my phone I text them as if I wasn't close to coming home. 'I miss you guys rn. Maybe I will come home soon.' That's what it read and double checking it again, I send it to everyone. I chuckle at the thought of their surprised faces when I walk through that door. So, I finally do walk up to the door and silently walk in. I find them all in the kitchen eating lunch together. They are all laughing together and having a good time. Auri then reads out my text message and sighs. "I can't wait for her to come home." I giggle, "Neither can I." I say and they all look up.

Mark is the first one out of his seat and infront of me. He squeezes me tightly in a big bear hug and I can't help but feel so happy to be with him in this moment. "Don't squeeze too hard! You might break her!" I hear my best friend say from behind him and I pull away to look at her. "I don't think he would break me. Hey Auri, nice to see you again." I say and she starts crying happy tears. "Now now, you know better than to cry infront of me. I hate tears." She wipes them away quickly and rushes over to me. Hugging her back, I look at Ethan who is standing there with a look as if he was content with his life at this very moment. I pull awy from Auri and go over and hug him. "I honestly think there is one thing still missing. Don't you think Ethan?" I can feel the odd looks we are getting and we both laugh.

Ethan stops laughing and then tells us all to get ready for a fun night out to eat. "I have something planned and I was going to wait until Ju came home." I smile, "Can't do anything cool while I'm away. That's totally not cool." We all laugh and once we all calm down I turn to Mark again. "Nothing beats being home again." I say and he holds me close to him. "Nothing beats having you in my arms again." I giggle at him and look up at him. "Thank you for waiting for me, Mark." He smiles brightly at me, "Why wouldn't I wait? Also, how are you feeling? You left to ease the pain and to find yourself again. Did you accomplish that?" I can't help but love this man. He always worries for me even when it isn't nessecary. "I did just that. How were you when I was away? " He chuckles, "Worried but that never changes when something goes on with you. I can't help but worry about you." I gentle hold his face in my hands, causing him to sigh. "I love you, Ju." I search his face for a moment. Not for anything really, I just want to take in every bit of him that I can. "I love you too, Mark. Until the end of time itself."

~*At dinner*~

We all sit at this nice, peaceful resturant enjoying our meal. When Ethan looks over at me with a nervous look and I just nod my head. 'He's got this. They've been together for two years now and I know for sure they love each other completely.' I poke Mark's side and motion in Ethan's direction. "H-Hey, can I say something really quickly?" Ethan says and I nod, "Of coarse you can. What's up?" I ask, acting as if I didn't know what was already happening. Ethan then looks to Auri and smiles softly at her. "We've been together for two years now and been through so much together. You've protected me and I have done the same for you. I can't imagine anyone else by my side but you." He then got down on one knee and pulled out a box. 

At this point now Auri was crying full on tears. He gently wipes them off of her face and I smile at the sight of both of them. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I know you love me just as much as I love you. Auri, will you marry me?" She quickly nods and squeaks out a excited yes. People all around us begin to clap and Mark and I do as well. "Congrats you two." Ethan smiles brightly at me. "Thank you for helping me gather the courage to ask her." I shake my head, "It was all you, Ethan. Remember though, we are basically family now considering she is my little sister. Maybe not by blood but still, we're family now!!" I say as I walk over to hug them both. 

Soon enough we finish our meal and we head to our homes for the night. "Hey, Ju?" Mark says and I look over at him while he drives. "Yes, Mark?" I question and he smiles, "Please move back in with me. The house doesn't feel the same without you there." I smile at him and nod, "Of coarse I will, Mark. I can get my things in the morning. For now, can we please go home?" One hand lets go of the stiring wheel and grabs ahold of mine. "Alright." With that said we make our way home and for once after all of this time. I can say I am truly happy about how I ended up in this situation. It may have been a pain in my side on some days, but I wouldn't trade this life for the world.

                                                                                     ~* The End.*~

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