Round 2, Dudecore: GOOD Vs. EVIL - @elveloy

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by elveloy

Deep in the heart of EVIL, Inc., a secret agent contorted his body to get past the red laser tripwires. If he'd even so much as breathed on them he would have been immediately vaporized. He somersaulted beneath the crotch of an RDU—robot defence unit—that was in sleep mode. He cooed to the crying kittens, thus destroying the security's CARE Protocol. s

He wasn't worried. As the best agent in GOOD Corp.'s intergalactic ranks, this mission was a cakewalk.

Beat EVIL's ancient—albeit extensive—security system, hack into the data vault, steal the cipher, assassinate the head of EVIL, get out, and be home in time to catch the new episode of Lunar Coronation Street.

That was when he found himself locked in the gas-spectrometer room. His stomach trembled.

Rule one, he thought to himself. Never eat Venusian tacos before a mission. Should've known better.

He plugged up and forced himself not to breathe as he maneuvered through the room and out the door. His years of training put to good use.

Unfortunately things went tits up right then and there. He turned to see fifteen RDUs aiming their .50-cal cannons at all his tender places. How the hell had this gone wrong?

And then it dawned on him.


Moving slower than a space slug, he lowered his hand to his waist and tapped his comms unit. And seconds before the RDUs blew him to pieces, he screamed out the coded message to the boys and girls back home in High Command: "Fuck you, MadMikeMarsbergen!"

Light years away, in the High Command of Galactic Overlords, Operational Division, Anika, the agent on duty in the Secret Communications centre, was taking advantage of a dull shift to have a peaceful snooze.

This was supposed to have been her day off. She'd been looking forward to immersing herself in the latest holovid episode of Survivor Mesoplanet and to be honest, she'd been a little pissed when Merrick, her boss, had told her the day off was cancelled. He needed Dorilys, the scheduled operator, to go out on a live mission. Dorilys was young and edgy. She'd recently adopted the latest trend of attaching her tech implants to the outside of her face instead of placing them discreetly under the skin. It made Anika wince every time she saw her.

Anika hid her resentment behind a fixed smile. Sure, she was getting on a bit—leaping over tall buildings and running down mountains was no longer an option—but she could still use her brain with the best of them. She might not have the muscles any more but she had the experience. Years of it.

Her head was resting on the console unit and a small puddle of drool was forming on the surface, when her right ear was blasted by a high pitched scream.

Confused, she sprang to her feet and drew her laser gun, staring wildly around the small cubicle, searching for the intruder.

What the fuck was that?

Then she realised the sound had come from the console unit, which proceeded to blow itself up in an evil-smelling puff of smoke. Coughing and spluttering, Anika backed quickly away from the remains of the unit—where her head had been resting only a moment before—and took a deep breath. Slowly, she replaced her weapon inside its slot in her jacket. Despite the alarms now screaming through the tiny space station, triggered by the exploding console unit, it was evident to Anika that the threat had originated elsewhere.

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