| Ten |

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Go ahead,
Rip my heart out, show me what love is all about.

^Hunter above 😍^

Reader of the previous chapter: thefanster

"Sit next your essay partners please" Mr Alexander asked, as he rubbed chalk off the board.

I slid into my seat, next to Hunter. He glanced at me before doing a double take.
"Now, your essays should be either done or half done by now, does anyone want to hand theirs in?" The teacher asked.

No one replied. "Please continue on them" he said waving his hand.

I pulled the laptop towards me and plugged the USB in. "Why are you wearing make up?" Hunter asked.

I ignored him.

"Jamie?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before typing. "So we're ignoring each other?" He asked.

I turned my head to face him. "This is what you wanted remember? The whole conversation about this friendship not working?" I said angrily.

Hunter frowned. "Doesn't mean we need to ignore each other during this class, we are supposed to be working together" he said, reaching for the laptop.

But I was done with his shit.
"Touch this fûcking laptop Hunter and I will come over while you sleep to jam a sock down your throat" I snapped.

He drew back surprised.

I faced the computer again, typing like nothing happened. "What the fûck was that J?" He asked.

My blood ran cold.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

Hunter ran his sentence through his head. "Shit..I didn't mean to say it, it just came out" he replied defensively.

"Do you remember what I said to you on your lawn as you ripped my fûcking heart out?" I asked.

"Not to call you J, because only your friends have that right" he muttered.

"That's right, are you my friend, no I don't think so" I replied.

I shoved the laptop across the table and he had to catch it. "Write something, I'll edit it" I replied, turning away from him.

"So I heard you're going on a date with William" he said, his fingers tapping the keyboard.

"And why does that matter to you? Jealous?" I asked.

"And what if I am? Maybe I don't like seeing a guy like him hanging around a girl like you" he said, his eyes in the screen.

"A guy like him being sensitive, caring, thoughtful, knows what he wants and a girl like me being the childish lame girl?" I asked, sarcastically.

He sighed. "Will you just drop that, it was three years ago!" He exclaimed.

The class looked over at him. "Oh no, don't say anything else it might tarnish your reputation" I said snidely.

He gave up. He saved the document before snapping the laptop closed. "Mr Alexander, do you mind if my partner and I have a discussion outside" he said raising his hand.
The teacher looked over the text book he was reading to nod at us. The class watched us stomped to the classroom door.

As soon as we were outside of the classroom Hunter started to drag me towards the football field. I let him drag me as I had everything on me. I tucked the USB into the back pocket of my jeans.

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