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Maria sighed deeply handing her phone back.
-"Here answer him, if you like him, well damn enjoy his company, is not everyday that a hot Korean idol hits on you",
she smiles giving her the phone back.
" But please be careful"
she nods replying back...
9:13pm: hey Namjoon, I would love to hang out with you, won't you be in trouble for that?

9:14pm: you don't need to worry about that, I'll text you when we get to the hotel room, so we can meet up,ok y/n?"
9:16pm: ok, Namjoon, see you later.

9:14pm: you don't need to worry about that, I'll text you when we get to the hotel room, so we can meet up,ok y/n?"9:16pm: ok, Namjoon, see you later

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"OMG, I'm going to die right now"
she says, her hands were shaking, she couldn't believe that Kim Namjoon wanted to hangout with her.
- "did this beautiful Korean male just invited me to hang out?

"Yes come on let's go home, you can wait for his text there."
" ok",
y/n nods.

They gathered their stuff bro heading out of the hotel, after a short drive they make it to their house.
Marivi goes to her room to change into something more comfortable while y/n changes her skinny jeans for some shorts.

Marivi goes to her room to change into something more comfortable while y/n changes her skinny jeans for some shorts

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After a few hours, Mari goes to bed, y/n had not hear from Namjoon yet so her mind ran wild.

"Did he stood me up, was he playing with me?
All of the sudden her phone rings making her jump.
-" Oh it's him", her heart skips a beat, then she answers...

-" Hello."
-" hey y/n, are you still up to hanging out with me?"
he asks hoping that is not too late.
-" of course Namjoon", she grins like an idiot.
-" where do you live sweetie?, so I can go meet with you.
-" you don't have to come all the way here I can meet you half way".
-" No, I'll go to you, I won't allow you to walk alone in the streets at this time of the night"
he says firmly.
-"ok,ok, no need to get aggravated, I'll text you the address, I'll see you soon."
-" ok, see you soon.

Namjoon says hanging up, after 10 minutes, the doorbell rings, she gasps.

-" OMG here is here.
She walks up to the door to open it, there he stands in all his glory, the korean idol, RM in the flesh with all his sexiness. It took her a few seconds to compose herself to start talking

-" Hey Namjoon, long time no see." she giggles.
"Yep an eternity"
he laughs too, dimples all in display.
-" Come on gorgeous, let's have some fun just me and you."
He puts his hand out for her, which she takes, then head out the door.
-" so, what's go to do in here baby girl.
he asks with curiosity.
-"Baby girl?
she mouths to herself.
-" Oh, well, I really don't go out much Namjoon."
-" let's grab some coffee then we can go to my hotel room to watch movies", she looks at him confused at his words, but after a quick thought she agrees.
-" ok"
she follows him, he is dressed all black with a black mask and hoodie, when they get to the coffee shop, they go inside get up to the counter to order.
-" How can I help you tonight?"
-" can I get a caramel macchiato also whatever my lady wants."
-"Oh no Namjoon I can pay for my own stuff."
He stops her hand giving the lady the money, after about 10 minutes they head out of the coffee shop.

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