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-" My lady, you are so soft and warm, I just wanna bury myself in your sweetness, I want you to wrapped me with your love.
-" of course my sweet boy.
He laid his head on her chest, slowly letting the heaviness take over his eyes and body.
It was amazing to be there with her holding him, showing him how much she loves him, how much she cares about the real him.
He drifted off to dreamland, before he knew it, his phone was ringing.
He stretched his long arm to grab the phone from the table.

-" hello...
Jin was calling him.
-" you and Jimin have to get out of there now.
-" Jin hyung, what's going on?"
-" you need to comeback to our dorm now boys, before someone comes looking for you and you are not here.
-" ok hyeong we are on the way back.
Slowly he unravels himself from her hug, getting off the bed, as he gets dressed he walks towards her, kissing her lips.
-" I love you my sexy princess, I'll see you later when we head to the press conference.
He calls Jimin whom had a hard time leaving his girlfriend's bed.
-" love you sweetheart.
He kissed her forehead, walking outside her room.
-" come on boy let's go back to the dorm.
Namjoon throws his arm over Jimin's shoulders as when they were ready to head out the door, the heard voices behind them.
-" trying to sneak out boys?"
Maria folded her arms over her chest
-" ahhh, nothing like that, but we have to go, otherwise we could get in trouble, the last thing we want is to cause you trouble.
-" aww I thought you 2 were just using us to get some sleep then go.
-" never my sweet girls.
Namjoon runs back to y/n, Jimin to Marivi, they hug the girls.
In the same moment there was a knock on the door.
-" oh my goodness.
-" I wonder who could it be at this time of the night?"
-" girls go stay there behind that wall, we will open the door.
-" ok baby.
They run to hide behind the hallway wall they felt their nerves building up at the situation.
When Namjoon opened the door, there was a sleepy and angry Yoongi.
-" I'm going to kill both of you, Jin said come home now.
He raised his voice, when the girls heard him they came back out to see a very mad Yoongi at the door.
-" what are you doing here Yoongi?
She ran to the door.
-" Yoongi, why are you so upset?"
-" I'm sorry girls, they need to come home before we all get in trouble.
-" Yoongi, they were going to leave when you knocked the door.
Maria leaned her head on his shoulder.
-" yes hyung we were on our way out the door.
-" I'm sorry, I'm just worried, I don't want to see you guys in trouble then lose the beautiful thing you have in here.
-" awww, you big softy.
The girls hugged him.
-" let's go boys.
They give the girls hugs, before heading to their dorm.
In the morning the boys have to get prepared for a press conference that they have later on.
-" come on we have to go girl.
-" I'm coming y/n, omg"
-" chop chop then, before they come to get us.
-" I'm here babe, but I can't go anywhere without my tools.
-" I know.
When they get to the place where the press conference is going to be taking place, the boys were going to wardrobe first. then hair and then make up
The girls were just walking around enjoying themselves, the boys said that they would let them know when they were needed.
-" this place is amazing babe, don't you think?"
-" omg y/n, this is so beautiful"
They kept walking around, some korean guys were watching them, the guys found the girls very beautiful because they were not used to see girls like them in person.
-" hello, how are you?
One of the staff of the building spoke up as they got close to the girls.
-" are you new around here ladies?"
-" oh, hello.
-" yes we are.
-" are you with someone?"
-" oh, yes we are Bts makeup artists, we just got hired, we just moved here.
-" would you like to go out with us later on?"
The girls looked at each other.
-" oh I'm sorry, no thanks.
-" why do you have boyfriends?"
-" yes we do.
Maria said to the guys.
The boys were walking to the make up room noticing the girls conversing with the guys from the staff.
Namjoon's hands bawled up into a fist as he observed the guys flirting with y/n.
The boys had to make sure than Namjoon and Jimin wouldn't go up to them to act like fools.
-" calm down boys, just text them so they know that is time.
-" fine.
Namjoon says walking off.
Y/N looks at the boys standing at a distance.
-" sorry we got to go.
Marivi says as she walks away.
-" no please let us take you out, so you can get to know around Korea.
-" no thanks, we have boyfriends, sorry we are not interest.
-" but your boyfriend are faraway, right?'
Jungkook walked closer to the girls.
-" excuse me ladies but we need you in the make up room, excuse me.
He grabbed both girls hands, walking away with them.
-" They are very taken.
Jungkook turned winking at them.
When they make it to the make up room the girls noticed the boys, with upset faces, but unfortunately there was nothing that they could do at that moment.
-" come up the first contestant please have a sit.
Y/N said trying to cut the tension, Namjoon came forward sitting down.
-" good morning Namjoon.
-" good morning y/n, did you sleep ok?"
-" yes.
She got close to his ear to whisper.
-" when you were laying on my chest.
She winked at him as she straighten her body up.
A big smile creeped up on his lips.
-" same here, we will talk later, naughty girl.
He got off the chair, winking at her.
After a while the girls were done with the boys make up.

After a while the girls were done with the boys make up

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