Not to Worry

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~Hannah's POV~

I was feeling kind of sleepy. I groggily awakened, to notice I was in a room I hadn't seen before. It appeared as if I was in the hospital. Wait, that couldn't be right! I was just in my room a few minutes ago! I asked Adam what was wrong. He stared at me blankly. I repeated myself. Why wouldn't he answer? I could feel myself talking!

I listened the next time I talked. Or, at least tried to talk. I realized I wasn't making any sound. Uh-oh. That couldn't be good.

"Jerome, go get the doctor. Now!" Adam ordered. I saw Jerome get up and run out the door. Was that Jerome Aceti? No way.

I saw a pad of Post-Its on the table next to where I was sitting. I picked them up, along with a pen, and wrote.

~Mitch's POV~

"Jerome, go get the doctor. Now!" Adam demanded. Jerome stood up and rushed out of the room. "Oh, Hannah," Adam said under his breath.

Why can't I talk? O-o

Hannah held up a piece of paper, and that's what it read.

I paced the room, as Adam tried to calm Hannah down. Jerome returned shortly with the doctor.

"What seems to be the problem?" the nurse asked. Hannah kept holding up the note. "Oh, I see," the nurse scribbled down some notes.

"What's wrong?" Rene asked. There were tears welling up in her eyes. Hannah was already crying, the tears kept on coming.

"Well, this isn't something to worry about. We gave Hannah two doses of strong medicine, that has some nasty symptoms that can be caused by it. One of the symptoms is loss of voice for 24 hours. That's all it is. Hannah should be back to normal tomorrow. If there are still occurring problems after the 24 hours are up, then give us a call." The nurse gave Adam a slip of paper with the hospital's number on it. "You are free to go."

Hannah unhooked herself from the machinery, and changed back into her regular clothes, which consisted of a basic teal t-shirt, white skinny jeans, and purple Converse sneakers. We all piled into the two cars we had driven to the hospital, and went home.


When we got home, Jerome and I carried in all the presents we had bought for Hannah. Some of them, we figured she would love. Others were just wild guesses, based off of what Jerome and I knew about girls. So basically, we would be going back to the outlets tomorrow to return those.

We all sat around on the couches, Hannah up to her neck in a sea of gifts. She began to open them carefully.

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